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The Historical Story
of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell |
21 - Churches of Beeville << 22 - Clubs and Organizations >> 23 - Fragments of History CHAPTER TWENTY‑TWO Clubs and organizations have played an important part in the progress of the citizens of Bee County, both culturally and civically, and since the early days the people have been club conscious. The first clubs were for pleasure, and cards and dominoes were popular forms of entertainment for both young and old. In the early 1900s Five Hundred Clubs were organized, and by 191 1 the card players turned to bridge and whist. The Harmony Club, comprised of men and women, had many talented members and delighted audiences with programs in 1898. The Dugat Orchestra, composed of Estelle, Edith, Camille, Cecile, Mabel and Sid Dugat and their mother, Mrs. W. S. Dugat, frequently had parts on the programs. In the 1890s and early 1900s the men had an Anniversary Club which met once a month, and birthday dinners were served at the Nations Hotel. Dr. L. E. Parr, W. 0'. McCurdy, Jim Dougherty, B. W. Klipsfein, and John E. Wilson were among the members. The Beeville Club was organized in 1910, and the social event of the year was given by the men for their ladies. This was a strictly formal affair. In January 191 1 Jewel Malone was hostess to the Girls Five Hundred Club with the following members present: Lucille Barber, Lillian Bauer, Viola Blakesfad, Lilly Heldenfels, Rosalie Law, Loleef New, Mary Clair and Myrtle O'Reilly, Elizabeth Praeger, Jessie Ryan, and Louise Wilson. By 1912, Forty‑two Clubs were popular. Some of the hostesses were Mrs. R. M. Prather, Mrs. E. Blakestad, Mrs. August Meinrath, Mrs. J. C. Beasley, Mrs. Sam Mitchell, Mrs. Will Geffert, Mrs. Robert Beasley, Mrs. John R. Beasley, Mrs. John Wheeler. Mrs. J. S. Davis, Mrs. Carl Heldenfels, Mrs. J. W. Cook, Mrs. J. C. Borrourn, Mrs. C. L. Kimbrough. Miss Mary Brown, Miss George Offutt. and Miss Mabel Sturdivant. Mrs. C. 1. Swan organized the Country Woman's Club in Normanna on April 5, 1912. Mrs. Percy Pennybacker of Austin was present. This was the only country woman's club in the United States at that time. Mrs. Swan was president for several years. The Girls Canning Club was formed in 1912 under the sponsorship of Miss Lida Dougherty, with Mrs. Mae Click as the girls' leader. Mrs. Click was the first home demonstration agent in Bee County. A member of the club, Lucile Johnson. age twelve, won first prize for 206 HISTORY OF BEE COUNTY her article in the Picayune about her project. She described how she planted the tomato seeds and cared for the plants. She canned and sold 583 cans of tomatoes. The club members canned and sold over 2000 cans. Lucile also sold fresh tomatoes for 25 and 35 cents a basket. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson and a niece of the late Mrs. Sidney Smith. The Johnson home still stands among the beautiful oaks lust across the line in Live Oak County. After Lucile grew into womanhood she worked many years at the Courthouse and for Elliott & Waldron Title & Guaranty Co. in George West. She is now retired. There was also a Bee County Poultry Club for both boys and girls in 1912. The Merry Maids Club in 1912 gave popular parties. The members were: Boonle McCoy, Sibyl Smith, Merle Dodd, Helen, Margaret and Mary Lacks, Letitia Law, Roma Ivey, Gladys Rees, Minnie Rice, Intha Collins, Mae Von Logsden and Margaret Perkins. Mrs. S. J. Coleman was the matron of the B‑Natural Club in the early teens. Anna Brauer was president, and later pursued her musical studies in Germany. In 1913 two active members of the Blue Bird Club were Cora Lee Gregory and her cousin, Catherine Gregory. The Stitch and Chatter Club was organized in 1913 with a teenage membership consisting of Eloise Laws, Ray Wood, Marjorie Wilson, Aleene Smith, Alice Ballard, Eleanor Campbell and Dorothy Chambliss as charter members. Later Lida Ransom, Hallie Gefferf, Blanche Partain and Marguerlte Partain joined the sewing and chatting. 'Then Anna Brauer, Hattie Merle Gregory, Ruth Prather, Lillian Marsden, Edwina and Emily Harris, Olive Klipstein, Fannie Mae Brown, Martha McCurdy, Grace Teas, Mary Simons, Edith Walker, Judy Addle Nunnelly and Fay Gregory affiliated with the club. Different matrons in the county entertained the girls and gave them sewing instruction. In the early teens there was the lively A.D.D. Club composed of twelve teenage girls whose main interest was parties. The meaning of the initials. A.D.D., was strictly secret, but has now been revealed to stand for ''A Dozen Darlings.'' Some of the darlings were Marjorie Wilson, Aleene Smith. Ray Wood, and Eleanor Campbell. Two of the other girls' clubs at this time were the Bow Knot and the Sans Souci. The first meeting of the Women's Federated Clubs of Bee County was held in the Methodist Bungalow on October 30, 1914, with Mrs. J. P. McDowell presiding. Clubs represented were: Skidmore Civic Club, Normanna Country Woman's Club, Mineral Literary Club, and the Beeville clubs, Merry Oaks Woman's Club, Mothers Club, Women's Christian Temperance Union. and Rosetta. HISTORY OF BEE COUNTY 207 Mrs. C. 1. Swan gave a talk on political science, She also led a discussion on patriotism. Mrs. J. K. Constantine gave a paper on civics, Mrs. McDowell talked on Bee County relics, and Mrs. W. R. Marsh on motherhood. In the 1930s the Jesters Club was organized with Mrs. J. A. (Marie) Donley as one of the leaders, The members studied and reviewed books and plays. During the war years in the 1940s the women were engaged in Red Cross and USO work. In the middle 1950s the Red Slipper Dancing Club was organized for the young teenagers with their parents as the chaperons. Parent‑Teacher Associations have been active throughout the county for many years. Beeville has an active Golden Age Club for senior citizens, The Firemen's Auxiliary ladies give moral support to the Fire Department composed of volunteers. They meet regularly and give entertainments occasionallly. The Ambulance Auxiliary Ladies are also active in the same way. ROSETTA CLUB By Fielen Y. Ezell At a 1901 pre‑Christmas party with Mrs. John C. Beasley as hostess, plans were made to organize a literary study club. In early January 1902, an organizational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, under the leadership of Mrs. L. B. (Mattie) Randall. The Bronte Club of Victoria was the sponsor of the new Beeville club and it became federated with the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs in November 1902. The club was named "Rosetta'' after the famous Rosetta Stone, the key to the Egyptian language. The motto was "Ad astra per aspera" (to the stars through difficulties). The flower selected was the yellow rose and the colors were white and yellow. Officers elected were: Mrs. L. B. Randall, President; Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, Vice President, and Miss Lorene Jones, Secretary‑Treasurer. The membership was composed of Mrs. John C. Beasley, Miss Jennie Berry, Mrs. J. C. Burrows, Mrs. John P. Buelow, Miss Florence Bell, Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, Mrs. J. C. Dougherty, Mrs. George Fizer, Mrs. William H. George, Miss Lorene Jones, Miss Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. William W. Jones, Mrs. B. W. Klipsfein, Mrs. Robert Law, Mrs. Herschel P. Mathews, Mrs. Hugh F. Marr, Miss Mattie Mussetf, Mrs. L. B. Randall, Mrs. Riley Smith, Miss Nannye Teal, Miss Grace Welder and Miss Elizabeth Wood. Honorary members were Mrs. F, R. Pricham of Victoria, and Mrs. A. C. Jones, the step‑grandmofher of the late A. C. (Dick) Jones. The official meeting of the club was held on Friday, January 31, 1902. with Miss Jennie Berry as hostess. The course of study for the first year was Shakespeare and American Literature. The club met every Friday for two hours from September into June for several years. Then the meeting time was changed to Tuesdays, later in 1915 to every other week. and finally to once a month. The club now meets from October to May. The club met for the first several years in homes, at Miss Lida Dougherty's office, then at the Methodist Bungalow and for several years at the Home Economics Cottage on the high school grounds. In 1937 the Rosetta Club, Business & Professional Women's Club, and the now defunct Jesters Club acquired a building from the Baptist Church and moved it to a lot given to them by the City. It was named the United Clubs Building and became Rosetta's meeting place for approximately thirty years. The little library which Rosetta was sponsoring was moved from the Bungalow to the club building. The Rosetta members now meet at the Country Club, and the library has its own beautiful building, given by Mrs. James R. Doughe rty. At first the Rosetta Club was a congenial group of women coming together to have stimulating courses of study to improve their minds, but they were not content with this, so began to expand their thoughts and deeds. Their obiective changed from their own self‑improvement to a goal that not only stimulated intelligent development for themselves, but took in plans which tended toward the elevation or general good of the community. The club has never departed from this policy in its seventyone years of existence. One of the club's first civic projects was a city park, donated to the club by B. W. Klipsfein whose wife was a member. On May 19, 1908, Rosetta's Park was formally dedicated to the public. The women planted trees and shrubs and cared for the park until 19 14, when it was deeded to the City of Beeville and officially named Klipsfein Park in honor of the giver of the block of land. The Rosetta members were not only 'interested in their own park, but also in the beautification of Beeville. They set out shrubs and planted flowers on the Courthouse Square. They planted frees and sponsored plantexchange days. They had flower shows and held garden pilgrimages many times throughout the years. During the presidencies of Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 1950‑1952. and Mrs. Reese Wade, 1952‑1953, with Mrs. Camp Ezell as chairman, a general beautification program was successful. All club members assisted in this project and local merchants and professional men cooperated. The Rosetta Club's keenest interest from almost the beginning of its organization has been the library. The members took over the small collection of books started by the pioneer women in 1887, adding to if whenever possible. They sold ice cream and pound cake at supper parties at Klipstein Park during the summer months. A band played in the bandstand. The money received from these events went to purchase books. The first fiesta the club held was in the late 1940s at Klipstein Park. Crafts and food were sold to obtain money for their projects. The fiestas became gala affairs and were held annually for more than twenty years. The Business & Professional Women's Club and other local clubs assisted Rosetta in these events, the proceeds going to the library to purchase books. During the last three years Rosetta has sponsored talent shows with public and parochial school students performing as another means of raising money for the Bee County Public Library. Altogether more than $26,000 has been contributed by Rosetta. In October 1963, the Rosetta Club sponsored the Friends of the Library with Mrs. R. C. Harris as organizer and Mrs. John Monroe and Mrs. C. S. Harris, Rosetta members, serving with her. (Note chapter on the library.) In 1964 the club donated $100 for a children' s school library in Peru to be named Inez Spielhagen in honor of Mrs. Spielhagen. The club has contributed heavily to the local Youth Center. In August 1908 the club sponsored the Lyceum which presented twelve performances here. In 1909 the cantata, Queen Esther, with local talent, was sponsored. The Rosetta members helped with the Civic Music and later with Community Concerts membership drives annually. On January 27, 1905, the traveling art gallery, under the patronage of the Texas Federated Women's Clubs, had an exhibition here which was sponsored by the Rosetta Club. In 1947 and 1948 the club brought the Texas Fine Art Exhibitions to Beeville. In 1951 the Children's Art Show was inaugurated by the late Louella Jones Borglum and has since been an annual event. In 1958 with Mrs. George Morrill as chairman the art show was expanded to include all children in Bee County. At thaf time 622 pictures were shown and there was an attendance of over 1200 people. The club donated $75 in prizes to the children. The years following have shown a tremendous increase 'in the quantify and qualify of pictures of the shows as well as in attendance. All the schools cooperate. In 1959 an art exhibition from the Coppini Art Studio in San Antonio was held in the United Clubs Building under the auspices of the Rosetta members. The club had many programs on safety and was influential in having drivers' education put into effect at A. C. Jones High School in 1951. Since 1953 U. R. Pfenninger, instructor, and other teachers have successfully carried on the drivers' education program. The Bee County Centennial Celebration was held in October 1958 with Rosetta members participating on many committees. Mrs. Camp Ezell, club president at the time, was the Spectacle Division chairman and Mrs. A. C. Jones had charge of the museum. The club in 1960 started the far‑reaching Literacy Program under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Latcham Jr. Workshops were conducted by Robert Likens of Baylor University for volunteers from various groups, clubs and churches in Bee County. Fifty persons weie trained to teach the Laubach Method for adult illiterates to write and speak English. Rosetta members gave their time and money. Mrs. Latcharn and Mrs. Ezell instructed teachers in Pettus and Normanna to give the programs in those communities. Mrs. Paul Schulz assisted. In 1964 the Rosetta Club began a new approach to the literacy program in the county. Mrs. Fred Grevelle was appointed chairman. She made talks to other organizations. A total of $ 105 was received for the project from Beta Sigma Phi Chapter, Rotary, Kiwanis, Soroptimist Club, and the Junior Service League. Freddy Moreno, druggist, lent his aid. John Rossi, KIBL owner, and the announcers, Rick Martinez and Al Velasquez, and the Bee‑Picayune were instrumental in reaching those who wanted to learn how to read and write English. Two‑hour weekly sessions were held at night at the A. C. Jones High School. George Briggs and Allen Donaho, teachers in the high school who spoke Spanish fluently, were the instructors. In May 1965, seventeen students received certificates for having completed courses. The fall classes saw many more students enrolled. Rosetta gave $150 to each of the two instructors for fifteen‑week courses in the winter of 1965. The club sponsored a pre‑school for Mexican‑American children. This created so much interest that if helped the Beeville Independent School District get government approval for a federal grant of $26,845 for Project Head‑Start. In 1964, Rosetta added another facet to their educational program when the members learned that children in some of the schools in the Philippines had no books or school supplies. Over 800 discarded books from the local school system were sent to them. Included were pre‑school books and books through all the grades. Mrs. Robert Webb of Berclair donafed a set of Compton's Encyclopedias and story books; Truman Gill's Beeville Coca‑Cola Bottling Company donated paper; the Jones High School Student Council gave a gross of pencils; Edward N. Jones gave a gross of pencils and the Beeville Publishing Company contributed other supplies for the children of the Philippines. S. R. Wofford's Hermes Transfer Company hauled the many boxes to the Post Office, free of charge. The Rosetta Club paid the postage and donated time and money for this overseas project which received worldwide publicity. Mrs. James R. Dougherty through the Rosetta Club gave money for a wheel chair for a crippled child and two Philippine children's eye operafions. Mrs. Viggo Gruy in 1960 raised $250 for a nurse's scholarship in honor of Mrs. Dougher[y. The Rosetta Club Was hostess to the board meeting of the Fifth District Texas Federation of Women's Clubs, in the fall of 1958 in Beeville, and to the Alamo TFWC in 1970. Rosetta, with other local women's clubs assisfing, held the Fifth District TFWC Twerify‑sevenfli annua; convention here, May 1‑3, 1928. The Wednesday Luncheon Club and the Home Arts Club gave a barbecue at the Dick Cook Ranch for the convention members. Sam Ezell rendered a violin solo at ‑The gala fine arfs evening for the ladies. The Alamo District TFWC annual convention under the auspices of the Rosetta Club was held in Beeville in March 1963. The state TFWC President Mrs. A. T. Carleton, aflended. In March 1970 the Alamo District convention was held in Beeville under the sponsorship of Rosetta and the club will again sponsor the convention in March 1974. Throughout the years Rosetta Club and many of its members have received honors and hundreds of awards, from the district especially, and many from the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs and a few in the General Federation. For d two‑year period‑ 1960‑1 962‑for work done in behalf of art and art Interest, Mrs. Camp Ezell as State TFWC Art Chairman won second place from General Federation of Women's Clubs (world‑wide) both for Texas and herself. In 1960 the Warren LeBourveau family was the Texas State winner 'in the All‑American Family Contest. They received many gifts and a trip to Florida to meet with other winners. The Rosetta Club sponsored the LeBourveaus. Mrs. Gordon Noble in 1960 won first in the sewing contest TFWC Fifth District. In 1961 Miss Mary Louise Everett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Everett, won the Vogue Sewing Contest in the sludent division in Alamo District TFWC. She was sponsored by Rosetta. In May 1962 at a TFWC State Convention in San Antonio the Rosetta Club was presented a certificate and a $300 check from Sears Foundation for the state community achievement award. Mrs. George Morrill was the club president and Mrs. Camp Ezell and Mrs. Dan Conoly were the commiffee for the Community Achievement Program. The Leadership Development Woman of the Year is always an outstanding award both for the member and for the club to receive such recognifion. The Rosetta members who have received this honor are: Mrs. 1915, D. E. Beedy; 1916, Jesse A. Chase; 1917, Jesse A. Chase; 1918, Camp Ezell. 1959, Fifth TFWC District‑, Mrs. Viggo Gruy, 1960, Fifth TFWC District; Mrs. Fred Lafcham, 1962, Alamo District, and in 1967, Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen from Alamo District. In 1962, Mrs. James R. Dougherty received the Mother of the Year award from both the Alamo District and the TFWC. Mrs. J. M. Barnhart received the Alamo District award for the Mother of the Year in 1965. Mrs. John Rossi was chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Drive and was recognized for her work. and the Rosetta Club received a bronze plaque from MDA Chapter Bexar County of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America for services given. Rosetta member Mrs. Teal Adkins was asked by Senator Ralph Yarborough and other solons to go to Washington and present her paper on making Padre Island a National Park. Mrs. Adkins, the only woman member of Governor Price Daniel's Park Study Committee of fifteen members, had been a speaker on the subject in Corpus Christi at a meeting about Padre Island. The bill for Padre Island to become a National Park (81 miles long on the Gulf) was to come up before the House and there was strong opposifion to it. Mrs. Adkins was unable to go, but she was given $250 from the local banks to defray the expenses of the dentist, Dr. Jimmy Bauer of Refugio, to go to Washington and read her paper. Mrs. Adkins received the following message from the Secretary of the Interior: ''Many thanks for your great work that made the Padre Seashore possible. With admiration, Stewart Udall.'' (January, 1965.) Mrs. Adkins was also a member of Governor Daniel's State‑wide Water Conservation Committee and chairman of TFWC Conservation Committee. Throughout the years Rosetta members have been on both the old Fifth TFWC District, now Alamo District, and the state TFWC Boards. Mrs. Spielhagen was president of the Alamo District TFWC, 1964‑1966, having been first and third vice presidents prior to being president. Mrs. C. S. Harris held office for six years in the Alamo District and is now the president. Her term will end in 1974. Rosetta officers installed in May are: Mrs. John Galloway, President,Mrs. R. J. Welder Jr., First Vice President; Mrs. Burke Ellwood. Second Vice President; Mrs. Joe Burke, Third Vice President; Mrs. Dudley Braly, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Edward Wicker, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. R. J. Findley, Treasurer. Past‑Presidents are: Mrs. Louis Randall, 1902‑1905; Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, 1905‑1906; Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, 1907‑19M Mrs. B. W. Klipsfein, 19081909; Mrs. Fred G. Charribliss, 1909‑191 1; Miss Lida Dougherty, 19111913; Miss Matfie Musseft, 1913‑1914; Mrs. J. P. McDowell (Maffle Mussett), 1914‑1915; Mrs. Fred G. Chambliss, 1915‑1916; Mrs. J. Chris Dougherty, 1916‑1917; Mrs. J. W. Brown, 1917‑1918; Mrs. J. R. Scott, 1918‑1919: Mrs. J. W. Brown, 19 19‑1920; Mrs. S. Lightlocurne, 1920‑1922; Mrs. James R. Dougherty, 1922‑1924; Mrs. A. C. Jones, 1924‑1925; Mrs. J. C. Burrows, 1925‑1926; Mrs. A. C. Jones, 1926‑1928; Miss Mary Brown, 19281929; Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, 1929‑1931; Mrs. J. R. Beasley, 1931‑1933: Mrs. Haggard Ray. 1933‑1935; Mrs. James R. Dougherty, 1935‑1936; Mrs. L. J. Freeman, 1936‑1938; Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, 1938‑1939; Mrs. R. J. Welder, 1939‑1940; Mrs. A. H. Geiselbrecht, 1940‑1942; Mrs. Rex West, 1942‑1944; Mrs. G. A. Ray Jr., 1944‑1946: Mrs. W. D. Walton, 19461948; Mrs. Wallace McKinney, 1948‑1950; Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 19501952; Mrs. Reese Wade, 1952‑1953; Mrs. John Rossi, 1953‑1954; Mrs. J. M. Barnhart, 1954‑1956; Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, 1956‑1957; Mrs. Camp Ezell, 1957‑1959; Mrs. Dan Conoly Sr., 1959‑1961; Mrs. George Morrill, 1961‑1963; Mrs. Edward N. Jones, 1963‑1965; Mrs. Joe C. Faulkner, 19651966; Mrs. C. S. Harris. 1966‑1968; Mrs. William B. Moser Jr., 1968‑1969; Mrs. Dan Conoly Jr., 1969‑1970; Mrs. Fred Grevelle, 1970‑1972: Mrs. George Spikes, 1972‑1973. BEEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENTEllis M. Quinn, former mayor of Beeville and a charter member of the Beeville Fire Department which was organized on January 3, 1905, wrote the history of the Fire Department for the Centennial Edition of the Beeville Bee‑Picayune on October 16, 1958. Mr. Quinn died in 1970. The facts recorded in this history, up to the time of the Centennial Celebration, are gleaned from his article. Additional information from 1958 to the present came from department heads. The charter members were Louis Beyeff, George Fahr, George Atkins, Charley Wright, Charley Sheldon, Frank McKinney, Stanfield Thompson, Dave Stockbridge and Ellis Quinn. All of these men have passed over to the Great Beyond. According to the early issues of the Beeville Bee, there were no fire plugs in the town, and while people answered fire alarms, which consisted of blowing whistles and firing guns, the only way they could fight conflagrations was with garden hose attached to the cistern that was furnished water by a windmill. In 1905, when the department was officially formed, the only fire‑fighting equipment the firemen had was the "bucket brigade,'' as there was only one fire plug in the city. If was located at the corner of Washington and Bowie Streets. The Beeville Cotton Oil Mill, then located about where the Whataburger restaurant now stands, had the only hose in the city. Any time a fire developed in the proximity of the plug, Jim Hermes, operator of a dray drawn by a pair of mules, would drive to the oil mill, get the hose, and bring it to the fire. Many people attended the fires and brought their buckets to help spread wafer on the flames. Beeville was incorporated on June 1, 1908. with John R. Beasley as mayor, under the aldermanic form of government. Shortly after that date the City Council purchased a chemical hand‑drawn hook‑and‑ladder truck and a two‑wheel hose apparatus that would hold three hundred feet of hose. That equipment was housed in a small corrugated iron building just north of Hotel Kohler. The Fire Department always entered the Bee County Fair parade each year, and W. T. Thompson, then an undertaker and later mayor of Beeville, provided a team of beautiful black horses to pull the truck in the line of march. When the department was organized, and for a number of years afterward, there were no paved streets lin Beeville. Mr. Quinn said the boys had as much trouble traversing the rugged and muddy roads (streets) as they did in extinguishing the blaze after their arrival at the scene of the conflagration. In 1925, they received their first piece of pumping equ*ipmenf‑a Rio truck that would pump 350 gallons per minute. The Chevrolet chassis was bought in 1927. and the firemen built a truck onto if. The Southern truck was bought that year and was sold to Brown & Root of Corpus Christ11n 1940. The American LaFrance was purchased in 1929, and in 1940 the Diamond T special booster was added to the facilities. During the early days of the organization several big fires destroyed downtown business property. On the night of January 3 1, 1907, nineteen frame buildings on the 100 block of North Washington Street and West Bowie Street were destroyed by fire. Exactly one year to the day‑January 3 1. 1 908‑the other side (east) of Washington Street was razed by flames, including the old post office building where the Rialto Theatre now stands. However, the post office had just been vacated. Other big fires 'included: Lindell Hotel, formerly the Commercial Hotel, and originally the Ellis Hotel, located where the Mobil Service Center now stands at corner of Washington and Corpus Christi Streets, burned to the ground in 1908. Saint Charles Hotel, on property now occupied by Grant Lumber Co.. burned in the early 1900s. Bee County Courthouse, erected on the public square by Viggo Kohler in 1879 at a cost of $3425, was consumed by flames on January 15, 1911. Nations Hotel, formerly the Barclay Hotel, located across the street from the present Post Office on St. Mary's Street, was burned down in 1914. Beeville's super deluxe Grand Opera House, built in 1907, was destroyed by fire one night during Christmas week in 1919. The heaviest damage caused by any conflagrations in Beeville since the town started occurred on the night of January 25, 1964, when fire broke out in the basement of Hall's Store on Washington Street. Buildings destroyed were: The old First National Bank building. occupied by Mergele's Jewelers, Ballard Drug Store, and Hall's Store on the ground floor and the Dougherty offices on the second floor. Approximately fifteen years ago, the firemen prevailed upon the Commissioners Court to assume some of the responsibility for the operation of the Fire Department because many of the alarms answered were to residences and places of business outside the city limits of Beeville. Since then the Commissioners Court has provided a monthly stipend to help the City of Beeville finance the operation of the department. Louis Beyett was the first Fire Chief. Others who led the men in exfinquishing blazes were: N. B. Walker, A. F. Lufts, R. H. Berry, Ellis Quinn. Louis Fox, Stanfield Thompson, Charley Stockbridge, Robert Sonley, Fritz Leverman, Henry Eissler, Fritz Leverman (second time), A. J. Bryan, Clyde Jenkins, and C. M. (Smiffy) Smith, the incumbent who has been chief since 1950, a total of fwenty‑three years. In World War 1, fourteen firemen joined the United States armed forces. In World War 11. fhirfy‑one went into service and three of fhese‑Mlfchell Davis, Bussie Black, and Jack Whife‑made the supreme sacrifice. MOTHERS CLUBSOne of the early Mothers Clubs was organized, with Mrs. C. 1. Swan assisting, on May 8, 191 1. Mrs. J. W. Flournoy was President; Mrs. W. R. Marsh, Vice President; Mrs. F. E. Mills, Secretary‑, Mrs. S. V. Thurston, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. F. E. Perkins, Treasurer. They planted trees and in 1912 gave $10 for dirt to be placed in low places around drinking fountains on school grounds, The present Mothers Club was organized on March 25, 1937, at the Mary May Flower Garden with charter members as follows: Mrs. Wayne Amick, Mrs. J. N. Barineau. Mrs. Roy Boggus, Mrs. C. A. Davis, Mrs. Bill Dugat, Mrs. C. C. McCall, Mrs. R. N. Mills, Mrs. E. T. Musseff, Mrs. Marvin Nutt, Mrs. W. R. Opful. Mrs. Jesse Walker, Mrs. J. 1. Warner, and Mrs. Harry Golstein, and the officers were: Mrs. Allen Marsden, Presi. denf; Mrs. J. D. Douthif, Vice President; Mrs. E. H. McCombs. Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. J. C. Cafes, Librarian; Mrs. A. L. McGuill, SecretaryTreasurer. and Mrs. Earl 1. Tingley, Reporter. The members paid $ 120 for a set of books on child training and characfer building which was purchased through the organizer, Mrs. Virginia Rice, representative of the Child Conservation League of America. These books were studied and discussed. The club sponsored a Tom Thumb Wedding and bought playground equipment for the children in the area of what Is now the Chambliss Addition. The club became inactive during the war years in the 1940s due to the mothers being engaged in Red Cross work. In 1949 the interest in the club became renewed and Flossie Neal became president. The presidents following her were: Monte Spikes, Catherine Athey, Jennie Alley, Gladys Diebel. Margaret Gardner, Lulan Fraser, Mary Wroten, Mildred Wilson, Bettye Lucas, Helen Kassen, Jamie Robertson, Elizabeth Millikin, Beth Pasley, Diana Braly, Sue Ellwood, Kay Hjartberg, Nancy Bell, Ann Stark, Patti Adair, Elizabeth Galloway, Paula Duffy, Pat Scott, Kathy Workman and Jodi Hueqler. The club members work each year with the March of Dimes program. The newly elected officers are Mrs. Eddie Dunn, President; Mrs. John W. Beasley, First Vice President; Mrs. Allen Dunn, Second Vice President'. Mrs. Buddy Brown, Recording Secretary,‑ Mrs. John Green, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Ron Coldeway, Treasurer; Mrs. Johnny Smejkal, Parliameniarian, and Mrs. Clifton Trllca, Reporter. THE PARENTS CLUBIn the early 1950s the Parents Club was organized for mothers with preschool children. Each month a speaker talks on some phase of child guidance or training. Often the children play a part on the programs. In 1963 four books‑''The Infant and Child in the Culture of Today'' by Gesell and 11g; ''The Child From Five to Ten,'' by the same authors; ''The Years From Ten to Sixteen'' by Gesell, IIg and Louise Bates Ames and ''Parents Ask'' by Frances L. I1g and Louise Bates Ames‑were given to the Bee County Public Library in honor of Dr. Ernest E. Miller. The present officers of the club are: Mrs. E. J. New, President; Mrs. Joe Maley, First Vice President‑, Mrs. Russell Joy, Second Vice President; Mrs. James DeVoe, Secretary‑ Reporter‑, Mrs. D. R. Sugarek, Treasurer, and Mrs. Ed McKay, Parliamentarian. BOY SCOUTSOn May 17, 1912, the Rev. George M. Boyd, Methodist minister, received a Certificate for Scoutmaster from the Boy Scouts of America which entitled him to organize a troop in Beeville. A little later this was done, and Beevilie had one of the first troops to be organized in Texas (either the second or third one). The program was for character building and citizenship training. The following are some of the members of this first troop: Alex Cox. Lloyd Gregory, Warren Bates, Loren Bates, Ford Lockett, Festus Carroll, Maurice Simons, Clemence Chase. Henry Dobie. Lee Dobie, Ben Laws, Warren Young, CurHs Walker, Jarvis Miller and Shannon Miller. Many men of this community have given their time and service to forward the Boy Scout movement. Earl Hunt was known as ''Mr. Boy Scout of Beeville.'' Ralph Jackson, George A. Ray Jr., Joe Wroten, Lee Dirks, Earl Hunt, James V. Beauchamp, J. T. (Red) Carter, Marion Young, Robert Beasley, 1. P. O'Neil, John Shanks, Tom Brown and Sam Pieper are some of the scoutmasters receiving the Silver Beaver Award for service. Sam Pieper is on the Executive Board of the Alamo Council of Boy Scouts of America. CAMP FIRE GIRLSIn 1912 Mrs. W. H. Laws organized the Camp Fire Girls which was active in the teens. If has recently been revived by some of the Navy Wives. GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scouts was organized in 1939 with some of the businessmen sponsoring it. Miss Gertrude Linke was one of the first leaders and she continued in the work for several years after she married Alex Cowie. The program of a Girl Scout is character training and to enjoy and to be trained in outdoor living. Mrs. Alex Cox was one of the early workers. Mrs. Frank Boyd in the late 1940s became a leader. Mrs. Douglas Henslee was the Neighborhood Chairman. Bee was one of the four counties of the Girl Scout Whooping Crane body. Mrs. Ned Everett. Mrs. John M. Turner and Mrs. A. A. Nelson were leaders in the 1950s. Mrs. Lincoln Borglum. leader, with her husband, Lincoln Borglum, and Mrs. Nelson often took their froop of girls to the Girl Scout Camp at Copano Bay for fun and instruction. Mrs. Joe Ramirez Jr. was a worker. Mrs. John Hester, Mrs. Kenneth McClintock, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. C. O. Chesnutt, and Mrs. Scott McNeill worked with the Brownies, the seven and eight‑year‑olds, in the early sixties. Some of the Navy Wives who have been trained in the Girl Scout work have contributed their time. Mrs. Charles Darnell. Mrs. Robert Phillips are active in the work, as is Mrs. W. H. Blount, along with many other women in the community. TWO AMERICAN LEGION POSTSThere are two American Legion Posts in Beeville and they work cooperatively for the best interests of the men and women who have served the United States Government in the armed forces. Bee County American Legion Post 274 was organized about 1920, following the close of World War 1. Records have been lost, many of the early members have died or moved away, and consequently historical data is not available. Dr. Houston Neeley, who served in the Army Medical Corps in World War 1, organized the veterans and it is believed that he became the first commander. Some of the other heads of the post were Lee Dirks, Clarence Miller, Louis Lee, Frank O'Reilly, Irving Saltzman, George Frels and Rowland Kinkler. The Bee County Post gained fame in about 1942 when Lee Dirks wrote a resolution endorsing the passage of the GI Bill of Rights, the Post adopted the measure, Mr. Dirks carried it to the Department of Texas, where it was approved, and he was delegated to present it at the National American Legion Convention in California for final approval. After that the measure was adopted by the U.S. Government and if became a law. Teal Adkins is the present commander and A. B. Moore is adjutant. The building the Post occupies was given to the veterans by the City of Beeville. It formerly was a dance hall on the Fair Grounds property. The Legionnaires razed the building and erected It on their property soufh of the city on the Refugio Highway. Charles Major Lytle Post 818 was named for a Negro man, Charles Major Lytle, who was killed while in defense of his country in World War 1. The late Judge James R. Dougherty, prominent Beeville attorney, oil producer and philanthropist, donated several lots on which to build a Legion Post Hall and some money to help pay for the construction work, and the building was erecled in 1952 on West Hefferman Street. The members sold barbecue dinners and paid out the indebtedness. The Post was organized in 1946 with sixteen charter members. Lymas Langley Jr. was the first commander, and following him were: Carl Mayberry, George McCarty, Lymas Langley, and the present commander is Eugene Langley. James H. (Pete) Lewis is the adlutanf. There are twentyseven active members today. CHAMBER OF COMMERCEThe official name of the civic organization that has been boosting this area for more than severty‑five years has been the Chamber of Commerce of Beeville and Bee County, Texas, Inc.. since if was chartered in 1940. But if had several other names prior to that date. The first community promoter was called the Bee County Immigration Association, organized in 1888 with L. F. Roberts as president. In 1899 the name was changed to Beeville Business Men's Club. In 1911 the Young Men's Progressive League was formed, with John B. Daniels as secretary. W. R. Marsh succeeded Mr. Daniels and served the league a number of years. In 1925 the civic body became known as the Chamber of Commerce, and Sid Kring was its manager. A year later Irl F. Cherry assumed the duties and worked for the interests of Bee County nineteen years. Since the chamber was chartered in 1940, the following have served as president: Dr. Ernest Miller, 1940; H. C. Brinkoeter, 1941; Dewey Pieratt, 1942; R. A. Hall, 1943‑, C. R. Gordon, 1944‑1945‑, A. E. Newsom, 1946; Cliff C. Mccall; 1947; A. E. Newsom, 1948*, Reese Wade, 1949; W. C. Dahlman, 1950; John M. Turner, 1951; K. A. Bennett, 1952; Gerald Workman, 1953; F. T. Williams, 1954; F. W. Parsons, 1955; Charles Galloway, 1956; Edwin Turnipseede, 1957*, Henry Hall Jr., 1958; Edward M. Neal. 1959; A. C. Short, 1960; A. E. Newsom, 19617 Malcolm Slay, 1962‑, W. B. Phillips, 1963; Fred Latcham, 1964; W. D. McCarty, 1965‑, Ross Parflow, 1966; Dr. Dudley Braly, 1967; Edwin Diebel, 1968, Edward M. Neal, 1969; Burke Ellwood, 1970; J. E. Chesnut, 1971; Dr. M. P. Huckman, 1972, and Charles Galloway, 1973. Frank Atkins has served as Executive Vice President of the organization since September 1967. BEEVILLE ROTARY CLUBThe Beeville Rotary Club, oldest civic club in Bee County, was organized May 14, 192 1, under the sponsorship of the Victoria club. The Rev. Edward H. Hudson, Presbyterian minister, was the first president. The charter members were: Mr. Hudson, Blaine Barry, R. W. (Whizzie) Barry, Earl B. Hunt Paul Mueller, John R. Beasley, Will Geffert. Jesse A. Chase, Dr. Lawrence Griffin, Ernest Bond. George H. Atkins, Bob Smith, George Faupel, R. J. (Dick) Cook, Prof. W. E. Madderra, Buck McKinney, Mose Harris, Ellis Cowart, Alvin Brauer, Dr. Houston Neeley, Ben Coin. and Emory Johnson. The Beeville club is the parent of the Goliad and Pettus clubs, and furnished one District Governor, the late Dave Stockbridge, in 1949. The first big meeting the club sponsored was when Governor Pat Neff visited Beeville on October 17, 1922. During the early days of the organization. the Wheelmen were active in boys club work in its relation with the public schools. For many years the local Rotarians maintained a Scholarship Loan Fund for students who desired to enter college, and helped many youths to complete their university studies. For sixteen years the Beeville Rotarians have presented the Rotary Award to two outstanding members of the Senior Class of Jones High School at graduation time, in the form of a gold watch for the boy and the girl selected by a committee. Present officers are: Charles Reynolds, president; Albert McGuill, Vice President; Robert Wingenfer. Treasurer7 Charles Altimore, Secretary; Norris Rider, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. and Dean Patton, Parliamentarian. The officers and Robert Hollingsworth constitute the Board of Directors. The club celebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary on Wednesday. May 19, 1971, at 7:30 p.m., with a Ladies Night Banquet at the Country Club. Dr. Dudley Braly was chairman of the event. Rotarians the world over emphasize the original slogan of Rotary International: ''Service above self . . . He profits most who serves best." Also stressed is the Four‑Way Test: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build good will and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The Beeville Rotary Club helped to establish the Youth Center for area high school students. The club paid the salary of the director. In 1947 they raised the salary to $50 a month. Also in that year they donated $250 to the city to help purchase street markers, gave the Garden Club $50 for their free‑planting campaign, and paid for a case to house an iron lung purchased by the VFW through contributions from throughout the city. Rotary has sent boys to Boys State, has been a prime force in organizing and supporting the Bee County Junior Livestock and Homemakers Show, and has organized and supported Boy Scout Troops. For over twenty‑five years the Rotary Club has been host to the seniors of A. C. Jones High School at the weekly Wednesday Rotary luncheon meetings. In April 1960, the club hosted the District Conference for District 584 .of Rotary International. District Governor Sloan Bafchlor of Kerrville presided and Rotarlans came from as far away as San Angelo and Eagle Pass. The Rotary Club has been active in charity drives for Gonzales Warm 'Springs Foundation, Goodwill Industries, U.S. Savings Bonds, American Cancer Society, the Bee County TB Association and Easfer Seals and Christmas Seals drives. Rotary twice has brought musicians to Beeville for the cultural improvement of the area. Through the years several drives for free plantings in parks, and highway safety were club projects. Rotary helped organize the Pony League and Tommy Wroten was first president. Today the league has merged with the Colt League and is called the Babe Ruth League. Rotary still sponsors a team. The Beeville Club is 300 per cent in donations to the Rotary Foundafion, which provides financial backing for the Rotary Exchange Student Program. In 1972‑73 the first Rotary student attended Bee County College. He was Anders Anderson from Denmark and lived in Beeville in the homes of Rotarians Anders Benander and President Charles Reynolds. In 1972‑73 the Rotary Club gave financial support to the exchange student, Babe Ruth League, Community Concerts, Junior Livestock and Homemakers Show. and the Youth Center. Past‑Presidents of the club are: 1921. Rev. Edward H. Hudson; 1922, Blaine Barry; 1923, James T. Ballard; 1924, Jesse A. Chase*, 1925, George H. Atkins‑, 1926, Earl B. Hunt; 1927, Truman M. Gill; 1928, Robert A. Hall; 1929, Dr. Howard Lancaster‑, 1930, Tom Tucker and Dr. W. H. Jenkins‑, 1931, Ed Laski; 1932, Alwyn King‑, 1933, Rev. Dan Laning and Jack Forgason: 1934, B. C. Davis; 1935, H. C. Brinkoeter‑, 1936, Paul Russell; 1937, Robert Marshall‑, 1938, Dr. Ernest Miller‑, 1939, Howard Hambleton and Dr. Tom Reagan; 1940, Henry Eissler‑, 1941, John L. Huder; 1942, Monroe Fairly; 1943, Dewey Pieratt; 1944. John H. O'Connor; 1945, Candler R. Gordon, 1946, H. E. Yoward; 1947, Dave Stockbridge‑, 1948, Robert Beasley‑, 1949, Rev. W. J. Coleman, 1950, Ralph Jackson‑, 1951. Portwood Alley; 1952, John Shanks; 1953, George Brown; 1954, Lincoln Borglum‑, 1955, Rev. Everett Y. Seale: 1956, Jimmy Goodman‑, 1957, Charles W. Barnes‑, 1958, Dean Patton; 1959, Fred C. Lafcham Jr.; 1960, Dr. Scoff McNeill Jr.: 1961, Thomas W. Wroten; 1962, W. D. McCarty‑, 1963, Burke Ellwood‑, 1964, Dr. Dudley Braly; 1965, Dr. Orville Schroeder; 1966, William B. Moser Jr.; 1967, Fred Grevelle; 1968, Lester W. McCoy‑, 1969, Grady Hogue; 1970, Dr. Jerry Berryman; 1971, Robert Hollingsworth, and 1972, Charles Reynolds. At a meeting of the club on March 7, 1973, the following officers were elected for 1973‑74: Albert McGuill, President‑, Charles Altimore. President‑elect; Robert Winqenfer, Vice President; Alex Kibler, Treasurer, and Norris Rider, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. They will be installed at the first meeting in July. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUBThe Business & Professional Women's Club was organized May 25, 1922, in Beeville only three years after the National Federation of Business & Professional Women's Clubs started in St. Louis in 1919. The objective was to have members become better business women for a better business world and to be civic minded. The club became federated with the National Federation. The charter members were: Dr. Catherine Compton. Miss Kathleen Compton, Mrs. S. M. Corbin, Miss Mary Cochran, Miss Sula Brown, Miss Tennie Brown, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Miss Earle Darby, Miss Fannie Doble, Mrs. Sidney Dugat, Miss Gertrude Linke, Miss Helen Ransom and Mrs. Etta W. Ringold. The officers for the first year were: Dr. Catherine Compton, President; Miss Fannie Dobie, Vice President; Miss Helen Ransom, Recording Secretary; Mrs. S. R. Davis, Corresponding Secretary, and Miss Sula Brown, Treasurer. The greatest difficulty the club had during the first years was findingplaces to meet. The members met in homes, the Commercial National Bank, Hotel Kohler. the Presbyterian Annex, in Miss Dobie's office, the office of the J. W. Brown & Company and in 1927 in Mrs. Dugat's studio until 1938, when the Baptist Annex was bought in connection with the Jester Club and Rosetta Club. The first meeting in their remodeled United Clubs Building (as the structure was named) was held on May 12, 1938. This was the meeting place for almost thirty years. From the beginning of the organization the club has helped promote better working conditions for women. Girls have been assisted with their education and in 1936 money was donated to buy uniforms for members of the high school band. In 1937 the club sponsored the Girl Scouts. In the early 1950s the B&PW (as the club is often called) gave Mexican suppers in connection with the Rosetta Fiesta for the benefit of the public library. The club in this way raised a total of approximately $2000 which was donated to buy books for the Bee County Public Library. Contributions are made yearly to the United Fund. Mrs. Mona Seymour Nuff is the oldest continuing member. She was voted info the club on July 26, 193S. Mrs. Grace Bauer is next in line. The past‑presidents: Dr. Catherine Compton, Miss Fannie Dobie, Miss Kathleen Compton, Miss Ezra E. Grimes, Mrs. W. R. Marsh, Miss Mary Wofford, Miss Kathleen Compton, Miss Gertrude Linke, Miss Daisy Rapp, Mrs. R. A. Hall, Mrs. Nelle New, Mrs. R. A. Hall. Miss Nelle Stoltzfus, Mrs. Gladys Kenworthy, Miss Carrie Wright. Mrs. Nelle Swinebroad, Mrs. Lera K. Knight, Miss Blanche Crumpler, Miss Mary Wofford, Mrs. X. A. Dunn, Mrs. Nell Richter, Miss LaNelle Trepfow, Miss Margaret Kinkler, Mrs. Margaret Kinkler Farley, Mrs. Ina Pearl Brundrett, Mrs. Lera K. Knight, Miss Marie Mills, Mrs. Lydia Kubala, Mrs. Lera K. Knight Miss Mary Wofford, Miss Willynne Rabb, Miss Mary Wofford, Mrs. Isabella Becker, Miss Jewel Gibson, Miss Donna Maley, Mrs. Lucille Minniffi. Mrs. Lola O'Donnell, Mrs. Nina Park, Mrs. Eloise Davis, Mrs. Anna Lee Lackey, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Myrtle Barber and Mrs. Lola O'Donnell. The incoming officers are: Mrs. Marjorie Routh, President; Mrs. Marjorie Fuson, Vice President‑, Mrs. Thelma Barnett, Treasurer; Mrs. Cathy Heard, Secretary, and Mrs. Lois Chesnutt, Recording Secretary. HOME ARTS CLUBBy Helen Y. Ezell The Home Arts Club, under the direction of Mrs. Pryor Lucas and Mrs. George Atkins. was organized on January 5, 1924. They ''believed the health of a nation was to be found in the homes of the people'' and they desired to contribute in small ways to the betterment of this community. They felt that by coming together in a club each month for discussions and programs this could be done. Mrs. Lucas became the first president and Mrs. Atkins was secretary treasurer. The other members were Mrs. L. N. Connally, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Mrs. T. M. Gill, Mrs. W. H. Miller. Mrs. F. M. McKinney and Mrs. H. L. McKinney. Club membership was limited to twenty, elected unanimously by club members. This is still the rule. The first objectives were threefold: The promotion of art in the home, the study of home management. and child welfare. The motto was ''To be of service to others.'' The club meets in members' homes, the fourth Wednesday of each month from September to May, for programs, feasting and chatting. In civic work the members have cooperated in community affairs. The club contributes regularly of the Red Cross and other worthwhile projects. In the early years a street‑grading program was fostered. For the first twenty‑five years or more the Home Arts Club gave an annual grandmothers' party, the elderly ones of the county being the honorees. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets are delivered to several needy families. Money Is donated to the Special Education Class each year for a Christmas party. The club members assisted with the Youth Center. For many years until the last two years they maintained a milk fund at the Jackson School which provided for 35 cups of milk daily to underprivileged children during the school terms. The club now contributes to FISH. On May 1, 1928, the club, with the Wednesday Luncheon Club, gave a barbecue on the Cook Ranch for the delegation of the Convention of Fifth District Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. They were meeting in Beeville under the sponsorship of the Rosetta Club. In January 1964 the Home Arts members celebrated their fortieth anniversary with a tea. They are making plans for celebrating the fiftieth year in 1974. Mrs. F. M. (Carrie) McKinney and Mrs. L. N. (Lena May) Connally. both charter members, and Mrs. John (Ina) Teague are on the Planning Committee. The Past‑Presidents of the Home Arts Club besides Mrs. Lucas are: Mrs. W. H. Miller, Mrs. F. M. McKinney, Mrs. C. M. Poff, Mrs. W. C. Binford, Mrs. R. A. Hall, Mrs. S. R. Davis, Mrs. F. M. Simmons, Mrs. C. E. Hall, Mrs. W. G. Gayle, Mrs. A. F. Sonberg, Mrs. L. N. Connally, Mrs. R. S. VanSickle, Mrs. A. H. Geiselbrecht, Mrs. Hance Hamilton, Mrs. A. C. Andrews. Mrs. Joe M. Barnhart, Mrs. John Teague, Mrs. A. J. Frels, Mrs. R. J. Findley, Mrs. Glenn Prine, Mrs. R. W. Dwigans, Mrs. C. L. Cox. Mrs. Grover Impson. Mrs. Toscoe Knight, Mrs. Thomas Wroten and Mrs. Camp Ezell. Mrs. J. R. McGuffin of Dinero was installed as president with Mrs. W. R. Custer as vice president in May 1973. WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON CLUBThe Wednesday Luncheon Club was organized in the home of Mrs. J. R. Scott on May 8, 1924. The officers elected were Mrs. T. B. Knight, President; Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, Secretary; Mrs. C. M. Poff, Critic; Mrs. J. R. Scoff, Parliamentarian, and Mrs. 1. F. Cherry, Press Reporter. The motto chosen was, ''Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no worthy deed done.'' The object of the group was as follows: To stimulate and improve the mind and further those plans which tend toward the general good of the community and country as a whole. Interesting programs are presented each meeting. The charter members were Mrs. R. L. Atkins, Mrs. M. W. Bates, Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, Mrs. 1. F. Cherry, Mrs. L. L. Griffin, Mrs. T. B. Knight. Mrs. S. B. Malone, Mrs. S. C. Mitchell, Mrs. C. M. Poff, Mrs. George A. Ray, Mrs. Leroy Roberts, and Mrs. J. R. Scott. Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn had the first luncheon meeting of the club in her home. The luncheons were held at first in homes of the members, and later in Hotel Kohler on the second Thursdays of the month. The club now has the luncheon meetings at the Country Club. In 1931 the Wednesday Luncheon Club was federated by the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. The members have always been interested in the safety programs, especially for children. The club donated playground equipment for Flournoy Park, cooperated in cleanup campaigns for Beeville, and planted trees and shrubs. It has also had a student loan fund and scholarship fund. Regular contributions are made to FISH. Two charter members, Mrs. T. B. Knight and Mrs. Lonnie Borrourn, are still active. Mrs. Knight wrote the club's song. Mrs. Clyde Hebert is the president and Mrs. Joe Wade is the incoming 1973 president. BETA CLUBThe Beta Club was organized as a study group in 1930 at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hall with Mrs. Henry Hall as hostess. Mrs. Howard Lancaster was the sponsor. Mrs. Studeman was the organizer. Entrance fee was $39.95 which included the purchase of books required for reading. Louise Hunter was president and the other officers were Dolores Mitchell, Alleene McNeill and Norma Laski. Besides the officers the following were charter members: Mary Welder, Mae Forgason, Monna Ray, Ann Reed, Irma Jenkins, and Gladys Hall. The members met the second Friday of each month for a luncheon and program. They met for many years at Hotel Kohler and now meet at the Country Club. 'One of their civic projects was contributing to and being one of the sponsors of the Youth Center. The present officers are Inez Spielhagen, President‑, Charlene Ramirez, Vice President; Mary Bills, Secretary; Hal Adair, Treasurer, and Doris Jackson, Reporter. BEEVILLE KIWANIS CLUBThe Beeville Kiwanis Club was organized on May 9, 1935, and since that time the members have been avidly engaged in civic work. The Kiwanis Club of Alice sponsored the birth of the local club. Jack Hathaway was the first president, and serving with him were Nick Karl, Vice President‑, Otto Schvab, Secretary, and Bert L. Wright, Treasurer. The charter members were: Bill Algea, Bob Atkinson, J. B. Arnold, Gene Bagley, John Blackburn, Harold Buckler, J. P. Deer, Hubert Degosserie, J. D. Doufhlf, J. P. Foster, Charles Galloway, Paul Granberry, Paul Hart, Jack Hathaway, Rev. Sam B. Hill, R. J. Hintz, Arthur Holland, H. Leroy Hunt, Nick Karl, Charles Kimbrough, Ellery Marsh, M. T. Marsh, Jack Nowery, A. G. Oresching, Brook Pagel, W. E. Potter, Joe Ramirez, Glen D. Smith, George Serur, Otto Schvab, Hugh Stephenson, Robert Taylor, Dean Wilson, Coy White, Bert L. Wright, Reese Wade, Douglas Hermes, Eugene McCann, Norman Hobrecht, Donald Von Dohlen, G. G. Ware, and Louis Woerndel. The past‑presidents of the club are: Jack Hathaway, 1935; Walter E. Potter, 1936; Douglas Hermes, 1937; Curtis Walker, 1938; Hal McCombs, 1939; Charles Galloway, 1940‑, Paul Schulz, 1941 ‑, H. E. Tolliver. 1942; Jack Cafes, 1943; Cliff McCall, 1944; Irvin Boothe, 1945; Hoyt B. Hamilton, 1946; Donald McDonald, 1947; Edward M. Neal. 1948; Kirk Bennett, 1949; Mr. Bennett was transferred by his company and his term was completed by Edwin A. Diebel; W. C. Dahlman, 1950; Gerald M. Workman, 1951 ‑, Warren H. Peterson, 1952; Dr. John Hester, 1953; Malcolm G. Slay, 1954; Richard Rudeloff, 1955; Floyd Parsons, 1956‑, Mr. Parsons moved from Beeville and his term was completed by Rufus Landers; S. R. Wofford, 1957; Dr. Allen Lasiter, 1958; Raymond Powell, 1959; Jack Megason, 1960; N. B. Tanner Jr., 196 1 ; Milton Trlica, 1962; Monroe Finke, 1963; Bill Phillips, 1964; Arno Gold, 1965; Stephen Fey, 1966; John Galloway, 1967; H. L. Mullins, 1968; Jon Newton, 1969; Richard DeBolf, 1970; Duane Baker, 197 1; Buddy Hahn, 1972; Mr. Hahn resigned and his term was completed by Mack Workman; and Ben Geisler, 1973, the incumbent. Dr. Bill Conrad is president‑elect, and he and the other officers will be installed in October. The Beeville Kiwanis Club has had members who have distinguished themselves in the councils and functions of Kiwanis International. The club has furnished three lieutenant governors for the Texas‑Oklahoma District: J. C. (Jack) Cates served in 1945. Charles Galloway in 1952, and Rufus Landers in 1965. Mr. Galloway was a member of the vocational guidance committee for Kiwanis International. Each year the local club stages a Kiwanis Karnival around the Courthouse Square for the purpose of raising money to finance the various projects that are sponsored by the organization. During the thirty‑eight years that the club has been active, literally hundreds of constructive plans for betterment of Beeville and Bee County have ended in fruition. The Kiwanians have stressed programs to help underprivileged children. For several years they paid for milk for school children who were unable to buy it; they built and maintained a lighted softball park; they sponsored a Boy Scout troop; in 1947 they were among the leaders who promoted the building of the Youth Center in 1949 they sponsored a county‑wide youth baseball program which led to the organization of the Little League and Pony League in Bee County; in 1957 the club sponsored the first annual Junior Olympics. In 1937 the Kiwanis Club started a beautification plan for Beeville, and this continued for several years. The Kiwanians assumed responsibility for the publicity of the early shows and sales of the South Texas Hereford Association, and in 1939 they staged a campaign that helped get city mail delivery for Beeville. In 1944 the club began its sponsorship of the Girl Scout Day Camp. In 1946 the club held the first annual Easter sunrise service with the aid of the Beeville Ministerial Alliance, and in 1950 the members began the observance of National Kids Day. They organized the Beeville Key Club for boys in 1952. To assist in the education of indigent children, the Kiwanians have provided funds for reading glasses for those whose vision is impaired. The club raises between $2,500 and $3,000 each year to finance the various proleds. BEEVILLE ACTIVE TWENTY‑THIRTY CLUBBeeville Active Twenty‑Thirty Club No. 297 was organized on June 26, 1947, with Bob Crawford as president. The first meeting was held in Zarape Cafe. Members are men between the ages of 20 and 39 years. Projects sponsored by the club through the years include the electric football scoreboard at Beasley Stadium, Safety Sallys at school crossings in Bee County, placing trash cans on the streets of Beeville, providing a public address system for the Little League Ball park, sponsoring two Little League teams each year, and donating equipment to the Fire Department and to the Beeville Ambulance Service. The club also sponsors individual projects to aid in all charity drives. In April 1965 a check for fifty dollars was given to the Bee County Public Library. Each year the club donates to the Twenty‑Thirty International Project Deaf Fund. There are many past‑active members in Beeville‑those who have passed the age of 39 years. Some of the early members who have 11 outgrown'' the membership age qualification include Raymond E. Eissler, Bill Pagel, Kenneth Harrell, Terry Glick, Jim Lundschen, Charles Reineke, Eddie Bertram, Scott Bledsoe. Monroe Finke, and Guy Prater. Many of the records of the club were destroyed by the high waters of Hurricane Beulah in 1967, but following are the names of some of the past‑presidents of the club: Chuck Denman, Kenneth McClintock, Bob Baer, Charles Sikes, Johnny Kircher, Jerome Boenig, Albert Henry, Richard Isaacks, Leroy Hadwin, Mike McWhorter, P. F. Malek, Raymond V. Eissler, Pat Wells and Dwayne Bradley, the incumbent. Present officers are: Dwayne Bradley, President; P. F. Malek, Vice President; Mike McWhorter. Secretary; Charles Cox, Treasurer and David Hurst, Sergeant‑at‑Arms. BEEVILLE LIONS CLUBThe Beeville Lions Club was first organized prior to World War 11, but had to disband during that time because most of the members enteredthe various services for the defense of the country. The club was reorganized December 3, 1948, at a meeting in Hotel Kohler. Fourteen men were present, but by charter night, March 10, 1949, a total of 36 men signed the charter issued by Lions International. The Woodsboro Lions Club sponsored the local organization, and Arthur Mabray was the organizational president. Other presidents, and the order in which they served, were: Jack A. Baird, Walter Boenig, Jimmy Gardner, Edwin Turnipseede, Stephen Fey, Sam McCarty, George Hovey Jr.. C. A. FdIke, George Frels, Jack Wallace, Jack Love, Eddie Hamilton, John S. Baker, Dr. Norman Oliver, Darnell Allen, Jack Love, Jack Wallace, Rev. Doyle Morton, Eddie Bertram, Calvin Evans, Bobby Lane, Floyd McClung, Jerry Daniels, Paul Wilmouth, and Bill Moody. The first major project was the purchase of an eye‑testing machine which was presented to the schools of Bee County. The club has helped crippled children attend the Texas Lions Crippled Children Camp in Kerrville, has given glasses to underprivileged children, provided milk for indigent youngsters at school, purchased an audiometer for schools, raised money to build a lighted ball park for the youths of the community, and has sponsored many other worthy projects for the good of the people. Among their best‑known fund‑raising systems are the Christmas Seal sale, the broom sale to help the blind, the light‑bulb sale, and stacie entertainment. Ninety per cent of the money raised from the sale of brooms is sent to the blind people who manufacture the brooms. The local club celebrated its twenty‑fifth anniversary with a dinner at Gilberto's Restaurant on Saturday, March 3, 1973. The honored guests were Jack Love, the only active charter member of the club, and Bernard McWhorter and Jimmy Hicks, both of whom joined the club a few weeks after the charter was delivered. All three are past‑presidents. Paul Wilmouth recently completed his term as District Governor of 2‑S4, Lions International, and Jack Love is a past Deputy District Governor. Each year since the beginning of Little League baseball in Beeville the Beeville Lions Club has sponsored at least one of the teams. The new officers who will assume leadership of the club in July are: John Richardson, President; Dr. Fritz Oelrich, Vice President; Jerry Daniels, Second Vice President; Bobby Moya, Third Vice President; Paul Wilmoth, Secretary‑Treasurer; Eritis Rivera, Tall Twister; Bud Riblet, Lion Tamer, and Jack Love, Zaki Sailba, John Reeves, Steve Fould, and the president and vice presidents are members of the Board of Directors. The newly elected officers will assume their duties on July 1. Bill Moody is the outgoing president. BEEVILLE GARDEN CLUBThe Beeville Garden Club held the first meeting at the home of Mrs. R. J. Beasley. It was organized December 8, 1953, with Mrs. C. A. Sullins as president. Serving with her were Mrs. Dudley Dougherty, Vice President; Mrs. Camp Ezell, Second Vice President; Mrs. J. K. Blue, Third Vice President; Mrs. Allen Lasiter, Secretary; Mrs. J. M. Goodman, Corresponding Secretary‑, Mrs. Ben Geisler, Treasurer; Mrs. Alex Cowie, Reporter, and Mrs. John Rossi, Parliamentarian. The club was federated in 1955 with the National Council of State Garden Clubs. The purpose was to learn and to act; to beautify both home and city. The first money‑making project of the club was a Betty Crocker Cake Mix sale. This was held annually for several years. A flower show was the highlight of the club annually for more than ten years. A Christmas arrangement show was sponsored before the holidays every year. The members planted shrubs and oleanders at the Youth Center, Courthouse Square, library and frees in school yards. The club sponsored the yard of the month project. The group presented a Blue Star Marker which is located on the southwest corner of the Courthouse Square. It was dedicated April 24, 1957. The wording on the marker follows: ''National Council of State Garden Clubs Blue Star Memorial Highway. A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America. Sponsored by the Beeville Garden Club in cooperation with the Texas Highway Department and the Texas Garden Clubs Inc.'' The past‑presidents are: Mrs. C. A. Sullins, 1953‑1956; Mrs. 0. B. Smith, 1956‑1957; Mrs. R. J. Findley, 1957‑1958; Mrs. Dale Roberson, 1958‑196 1 ; Mrs. Charles Gresseff, 1961‑1962; Mrs. Paul Schulz, 1962‑1964; Mrs. Kenneth Harrell, 1964‑1965‑, Mrs. Toscoe Knight, 1965‑1967; Mrs. Archie Roberts. 1967‑1969; Mrs. Carl Malone, 1969‑1971; Mrs. Leila Daley, 19711973. Mrs. Dick (Edith) Scoff is the incoming president. BETA SIGMA PHIThe Pi Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was organized in Beeville in 1954. It was sponsored by the Delta Delta Chapter of Corpus Christi. The first meeting was held in the home of Mrs. H. L. Daughters with Mrs. Lorraine Coleman as president. The chapter members were civic minded, especially along health lines. For several years a milk fund was established for Ann Burke School. Medical attention for children was a prclect. A Valentine ball was started in 1955 and was a brilliant affair each year with a queen chosen to reign. The Chapter became inactive in 1971. BUSINESS WOMEN'S GARDEN CLUBThe Business Women's Garden Club of Beeville was organized on March 21, 1957, In the home of Mrs. 0. B. Smith, who was president of the Beeville Garden Club. The primary object was to learn basic rules for yard and garden work. The Bougainvillea was the flower selected and the officers were: Mrs. Mattie Freeman, President; Mrs. Elna Alexander, Vice President; Mrs. Frances Finke, Second Vice President; Mrs. Lillie Belle Sommerville, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Dora Fehlis, Corresponding Secretary; M s. Isabel Becker, Reporter, and Mrs. Gertrude Chesnutt, Treasurer. The meetings are held in members' homes on the third Thursday of each month. The club has had flowers and shrubs planted at Memorial Hospital and trees on school yards. Money has been given to Bee County College for landscaping. The present project is placing concrete fables and benches with overhead shade at roadside parks here. The women sponsor the Yard of the Month program. The past‑presidents are: Mrs. Mattie Freeman, Mrs. Harold Finke, Mrs. Bernard McWhorter, Mrs. Myrtle Barber, Mrs. Ross Parflow, Mrs. Ross Sommerville, Mrs. C. C. Becker, Mrs. Bernard McWhorter, Mrs. C. C. Becker, Mrs. V. Garrison. Mrs. Maude Warren, and Mrs. Ben Geisler. SORCIPTIMIST CLUBThe Beeville Soroptimisf Club, an affiliate of Soroptimist International, received its charter on March 16, 1958, at a meeting held in the Rose Room of Hotel Kohler. Miss Mary Wofford was elected president but the following week she was married to Frank Daley and had to resign her office since she moved to another city. Mrs. Lee R. (Mary) Meyer was elected to fake her place and actually served as the first president of the club. Other officers serving with her were: Miss Becky Evans, Vice President; Mrs. Carol Palmer, Secretary; Mrs. Emma Finke, Treasurer, and Mrs. Jewel Taylor and Mrs. Carrie McKinney, Directors. Regional delegates were Mrs. Virginia Phillips and Miss Becky Evans. There were twenty charter members, and five are still active: Mrs. Irene Byrne, Miss Becky Evans, Mrs. Winifred Goodwin, Mrs. Carrie McKinney, and Mrs. Carol Palmer. Officers for 1972‑73 are: Mrs. Patsy Schmidt, President; Mrs. Anna Lee Lackey, Vice Prescient; Miss Becky Evans, Second Vice President; Mrs. Inez Stuart Treasurer; Mrs. Margaret McKennon, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Mildred Rader, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Margie Routh and Mrs. Carol Palmer, Directors; Mrs. Lois Dallas and Mrs. Daisy McGrew, Delegates; and Mrs. Doris Galloway, Alternate Delegate. There are twenty-eight members. The late Mrs. Fay Cox. a charter member, started the Golden Age Club, and the Soroptimists serve as hostesses for the December meetings of the senior citizens. The club has sponsored many projects, including: Helped with the oral Polio Vaccine, Sabine vaccine, and tetanus drives, sold United States flags for downtown stores and homes in Beeville, gave television set to Memorial Hospital and record player to retarded children's school, provided money to help several boys and girls to attend school, contributed money for gift to the Tuberculosis Hospital patients, furnished fruit for Huber Manor Nursing Home patients. assisted in the community clean‑up campaign, helped buy equipment for the City Ambulance Service, and donated to the United Fund and the U. S. 0., and the club gives a scholarship for Bee County College's Licensed Vocational Nurses School each year. Also the Soroptimisfs sponsor the S Club for high school girls. Past‑presidents of the organization are: Mary Meyer, Emma Finke, Irene Byrne, Anna Lee Lackey, Margie Routh, Daisy McGrew, and Inez Stuart. The Soroptimist pledge: "I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist and to the ideals for which it stands: The sincerity of friendship, the toy of achievement the dignity of service, the integrity of profession, and the love of country. I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold and defend these ideals for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business. for country and for God.'' PAN AMERICAN ROUND TABLEThe Pan American Round Table of Beeville was informally organized in late 1963 when Mrs. James R. Dougherty called a meeting of several women who were to form the nucleus of the new group. Under her guidance and inspiration, the group was granted a charter by the state organization and began meeting regularly in January 1964. Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday from September through May. The Beeville Table is affiliated with the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables, with chapters established in all the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Their object is to further knowledge and interest in the social life, institutions and customs of the peoples of the American nations and to promote good will and understanding among them to provide the mutual knowledge, understanding and friendship among their to foster movements toward a high civilization, especially those affecting the women and children of these countries. The Beeville Table has granted a scholarship to Bee County College to the outstanding Mexican‑American girl graduate of Jones High School each year since the college opened in 1967. The group has also donated many books on Latin‑American history, art and culture to the Bee County Public Library, and has awarded a Spanish‑English dictionary to the high-ranking Spanish student in Jones High School every year. Directors of the Table have been Mrs. Dudley Dougherty, Mrs. Hugh Grove, Mrs. Henry Hall Jr., Mrs. Fred Ldfchdm, Mrs. Lon Cartwright, Mrs. Warren LeBourveau, Mrs. H. E. Lancaster, Mrs. W. D. McCarty, Mrs. Robin Pettus and Mrs. Dan Conoly Jr. JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUEThe Junior Service League was organized in 1963 in the home of Mrs. L. R. Hollingsworth Sr., with Mrs. Hollingsworth as the organizer. The program is Community Service. Mrs, Dudley Braly was the first president. The members have assisted in Community Concerts drives and have been hostesses for the Artmobile when it comes to Beeville each year and for the Golden Age Club. The money they have raised from bake sales, rummage sales, style shows, an antique show and a four of homes has been used to help restore the McClanahan House, Besides Mrs. Braly, the following have served as president: Mrs. Jack Pasley, Mrs. John Matthews, Mrs. George Blackmon, Mrs. Layton Adams, Mrs. Ellsworth Handy, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Kenneth McClintock. Mrs. Dudley Braly. and Mrs. Budgie Humberson. Mrs. Eddie Dunn is the current president. OPTIMIST CLUBThe Beeville Optimist Club was organized November 21, 1968, with thirty‑seven charter members. The Pleasanton club sponsored the local organization. The objects of Optimist International and their constituent bodies are to develop optimism as a philosophy of life: to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law; to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people, and to aid and encourage the development of youth. The charter members were: Otis Barker. Peter T. Blackburn, Albert P. Calati, John Elder, Terrence E. Glick, Marvin W. Jones, Dalton Leatherman, Ernesto C. Martinez, Rollie M. Royal, James Sheehan, Barry H. Watson, Wayne Wissnaf, Jess A. Young, James Ray Bissett, J. S. Blankenship Jr., J. A. Christensen, Joe A. Garcia, D. P. Hill, Hoyt Kesfler, Bill McKennon, W. L. Miller Jr., Olin Sanders. Larry H. Stroud, Jim Wilkerson Jr., C. C. Wofford, Gary V. Black, Derrell M. Bryant, Arland Cowart, Lupe P. Garza, Stephen Huntington, Lymas Langley, Jimmy D. McKnight, Jimmy C. Ramirez, Bernie Sandoval, Kermit Turner, R. E. Williams Jr., and Raymond A. Wrinkle. The first project of the club was selling Christmas frees. Bonham's Food Store offered the club their entire shipment of frees to sell on a fifty-fifty basis. The Optimists realized $500 on their first free sale. This money was used for youth projects. They sponsored a boys' oratorical contest and took the winner to San Antonio to compete in the zone event. Stephen Huntington did such an outstanding lob as secretary‑treasurer of the club that he was chosen as a field man for Optimist International. He is now in charge of the records division of the head office in St. Louis, Mo. In the fall of 1972 the club's motto, ''Friend of the Boy,'' was changed to ''Friend of Youth.'' This was the first year Optimist International permitted girls to enter the oratorical contests. Sixteen contestants entered and thirteen competed for scholarships. Students from the Pettus and Pawnee schools entered and Billy Hawke of Pettus walked away with the honors in the boys' division and Kathy Staples, also of Pettus, was the winner in the girls' division. Billy Hawke won third place in the zone competition in Corpus Christi and Kathy was fourth runner‑up. In the Zone 11 competition, the Beeville club won first place in the girls' division and second place in the boys' division. The winners are given a $500 scholarship to any college of their choice on the district level. Terry Glick was given a life membership in the Beeville club at the first district board meeting held in Victoria in November. At the second board meeting held last February in San Antonio, Mr. Glick was presented a three‑membership tie‑tack for being the first member in the south‑central district to bring in three new members in the Optimist year of 1972‑1973. The Optimist year starts in October and ends in September. The presentation was made by Phil McCardwell of Louisville, Ky., president of Optimist International. The newly elected officers of the Beeville club are: Clinton B. Richey, President; Terry Glick and J. D. Staatz, Vice Presidents, and Michael Jones, Secretary‑Treasurer. The past‑presidents of the club are: D. P. Hill. Otis Barker. J. A. Christensen, D. P. Hill, D. P. Hill, and Chester F. Sparks. RIO MEDIO CHAPTER D. R. T. Several pre‑meetings were held at the home of Mrs. George Tait with Mrs. Tait as the organizing president before Rio Medio Chapter of the Daughters of the Texas Republic was chartered on February 20, 1969. The officers elected were: Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen, President; Mrs. R. J. Welder, Vice President; Miss Ida Campbell, Second Vice President; Mrs. William B. Moser, Chaplain; Mrs. C. B. McWhorter, Recording and Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Howard Fish, Treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Stubbins, Press Reporter; Mrs. Cecil Ballard. Historian, and Mrs. C. S. Harris, Parliamentarian. The objects of the organization are as follows: 1. To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved and maintained the independence of Texas. 2. To encourage historical research info the earliest records of Texas, especially those relating to the Revolution of 1835 and the events which followed; to foster the preservation of documents and relics‑, to encourage the publication of records of the individual service of the soldiers and patriots of the Republic. and other source material for the History of Texas. 3. To promote the celebration of Texas Honor Days: Lamar Day, January 26; Texas Statehood Day, February 19; Texas Independence and Flag Day. March 2; Alamo Heroes Day, March 6; San Jacinto Day, April 21; Stephen F. Austin's birthday, November 3; and Founders Day, November 6. 4. To secure and memorialize all historic spots by erecting markers thereon; and to cherish and preserve the unify of Texas as achieved and established by the fathers and mothers of the Texas Revolution. The Chapter meets four times a year in April, September, November, and February. The charter members are: Mrs. Robert B. Allen (Mary Gay McWhorter), Mrs. B. A. Baker (Sarah Anne Tedder), Mrs. Cecil Ballard (Maurice Bradford), Mrs. Gene Banks (Margaret Jane Barber), Mrs. George Blackmon (Gayle Irby), Mrs. Robert Bocquet (Myrtle Rosebrook), Mrs. Dudley Braly (Diana Dugafl, Mrs. Kay Crowell Calaway. Miss Ida Louise Campbell. Mrs. L. N. Connally (Lena May Hodges), Mrs. Frank Daley (Mary Ellen Wofford), Mrs. Wayne Dirks (Ida Mary McGuffin), Mrs. Howard Fish (Josephine Shay), Mrs. James M. Goodman (Martha Iris Gill), Miss Martha Illene Goodman, Mrs. Cal Green (Birdie Persia Porter), Mrs. Larry Hamilton (Mary Elizabeth Miller), Mrs. J. A. Handy (Maurine Bradford), Mrs. C. S. Harris (Lena Elizabeth Welder), Miss Mary Clare Harris, Mrs. Kenneth S. Harvey (Marilyn McNeill), Mrs. Richard A. Henault (Mary Ann Collier), Mrs. J. W. Hitchcock (Sara Harris), Mrs. R. L. Hollingsworth (Eleanor Campbell), Mrs. V. T. Irby (Dora Alberta Seymour), Mrs. Norman Jennings (Nella Jo Sawey), Mrs. Clyde F. Lacy (Lena Mary Connally), Mrs. H. B. Long (Nella Fae Bradford), Mrs. John Matthews (Betty Gayle), Mrs. C. B. McWhorter (Ernez Skaggs), Mrs. Jack Miller (Doris Barber), Mrs. William B. Moser (Margaret Miller), Mrs. Robert Norton (Louise Wilson), Mrs. Mona Seymour Nuft (Mona Irene Seymour), Mrs. Robert Pearce (Mary Ellen Voss), Mrs. Travis M. Powell (Avis Barrow), Mrs. Joe C. Ramirez III (Mary Ellen Handy), Mrs. John B. Roberts (Marjorie Aleene McNeill), Miss Marii Roberts, Mrs. Will Roy Sanders (Stella O'Reilly), Mrs. Sarah Kay Handy Schuster, Mrs. Vincent Seger (Darah Behethaland Gayle), Miss Gladys Emma Smith, Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen (Inez McKinney), Mrs. William R. Stubbins (Lee Ann McWhorter), Mrs. George Talf (Lucille Barber), Mrs. Mary McGuffin Taylor, Mrs. Robert Turner (Christine Miller), Mrs. R. J. Welder (Mary McCurdy). Past‑presidents are Mrs. Eric J. Spielhagen and Mrs. C. S. Harris, and Miss Ida Campbell is the president in 1973. OPERATION CONCERNOperation Concern was organized in June 1971 by a group of citizens deeply interested in combating the narcotics problem, especially among the youth, a problem which is prevalent throughout the world. Edward N. Jones was the chairman. The group consisted of representatives from schools, churches, law offices, clubs and officials in 32 towns in Bee, Refugio, Karnes, Goliad and Live Oak Counties. The main objective of Operation Concern of Beeville is to study, plan, coordinate and promote the prevention of drug abuse and to educate the public about drug abuse in the City of Beeville and surrounding area. NAS Chase Field cooperates with Operation Concern by furnishing films, slides, tapes and information on drugs and related sublets. The trained counselors and the Field's Counseling Service give their aid. The Bee‑Live Oak‑McMullen County Medical Society, Memorial Hospital, the Bee‑Picayune. the Board of Education of Beeville Independent School District. Dr. Grady Hogue, president of Bee County College, Frank Atkins, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Dudley Braly. mayor. District Judge Joe Wade, Malcolm Slay, all the druggists, the city and county officials, Humberto Saenz, Dr. John Hester, and the majority of the business and prominent people in Bee County are vitally concerned and support this organization for the good of its youth and their families. Dr. John Hester and Edward N. Jones serve as advisers and Rev. Don Cureton is the new chairman. BEEVILLE NAVY LEAGUEThe Beeville Council of the Navy League was organized in 1955 with C. R. Gordon as the first president. The purpose of the organization is to promote good will between the personnel at Chase Field and the citizens of Bee County. Social events are held periodically. Mr. Gordon served two terms as president. Succeeding him and the years they served were the following: Dr. Ernest Miller, 1957, Dewey Pieraff, 1958; Robert Noguelra, 1959; Judge Joe Wade, 1960; Fred Lafcham, 1961; M. L. Clewis, 1962, George Spikes, 1963; Edward N. Jones, 1964, Burke Ellwood, 1965‑, Dr. Dudley Braly, 1966; Richard Lucas, 1967, William B. Moser, 1 968, H. C. Brinkoeter, 1969; Dr. John Hester, 1970; Fred Lafcham, 1971‑, and Laurie D. Hunter, 1972 and 1973 (incumbent). FISH ORGANIZATIONThe FISH Organization was formed by an Episcopal Church group in England with the objective of neighbor helping neighbor in emergencies. It quickly spread to other groups in many countries. FISH was organized in Beeville on February 17, 1972, with Rev. Tony Salisbury as chairman and Mrs. Richard DeBolt and Mrs. Evan Dean as assistants. Rev. Don Curefon is the present leader. FISH is a 24‑hour emergency assistance service with members volunteering for baby sitting, transportation for shut-ins, housework for the III and for other emergency needs. Teenage volunteers read regularly to the blind. Each issue of the Bee‑Picayune carries a notice similar to the following: Call FISH‑A neighbor to help you in your emergency can be reached at the FISH number, 358‑7500. VFW POST ORGANIZESThe Veterans of Foreign Wars organized a county‑wide post in Beeville during late January 1973. There had been a VFW group in the county some years past, but if had disbanded for lack of leadership. The organizational meeting was held at Yougeen's Lounge. and the following officers were elected: Gene Holland, Commander Jimmy Myers, Senior Vice Commander; Paul Campbell, Junior Vice Commander, Bill Roberts, Quartermaster; Ernest Cude, Chaplain; Presley Roberson. Judge Advocate; and Jim Brady, Bill McGrew. and Sherman Wooten, Trustees. Thirty‑two members signed the charter, which was officially presented to the organization when the officers were installed. MUSIC THROUGH THE YEARSIn 1878 Major W. S. Dugat and wife came to Beeville. Mrs. Dugat, who was educated in piano and voice in Philadelphia, began to teach both voice and piano. She taught her own talented children and in the 1890s and early 1900s the family organized an orchestra. The Ezell Brothers' Orchestra was popular here and over South Texas during the same years. E. L. Faupel and children, Robert, Letfle and Stella, taught music. Stella Faupel Oder was teaching piano and guitar until her death a few years ago. Sam Ezell in 1906 was rated the second best violinist in the state and years later was instrumental in adding band work in schools of South Texas. Ramon DeLeon, flutist, had a dance orchestra and taught various instruments to students from the early 1900s until his death about a decade ago. Chatauquas came to Beeville in the early 1900s. In 1907 musicals began appearing at the Grand Opera House. George Beever, violinist, organized a band under the sponsorship of the Beeville Fire Department in 1933. Schools throughout the county have good band and choral groups. Everett McAulay is head of the Fine Arts Department of Bee County College and is the college band director. Mrs. Anita Krueger is piano instructor. Fayette (Red) Camp of Corpus Christi held a weekly class in piano here in the 1960s. Mrs. Ruth Lindsey, mother of Mrs. George (Dorothy) Brown, taught piano in the 1950s and early 1960s and Mrs. Henry (Cecelia Brauer) Miller, Mrs. Allee Nuff, Mrs. Flossie Thomas Dleqel, Mrs. B. C. Brown and Mrs, Wallace Plafner were piano teachers for many years. Mrs. 0. D. Rudeloff, Mrs. Dewey Granberry, Mrs. Lucille Kinkler, Mrs. Alice Moore, Miss Nettle Brown, Mrs. Blucher Love and Mrs. Jack Powers now teach piano. And the Sisters of Divine Providence at St. Joseph's Catholic School have taught piano through the years. The San Antonio Symphony Orchestra has appeared here six times, five under the auspices of the Civic Music Association which brought many great artists of musical fame to Beeville. For the last nine years the Community Concerts Association has presented many musical programs, including concerts by Richard Tucker, Metropolitan Opera tenor; Dorothy Kirsten, Metropolitan soprano; Mitch Miller and his group. and many others. George Spikes became local president of the Community Concerts in 1964, a position he held until his death. Mrs. H. B. Hause succeeded him as president. Mrs. Teal Adkins is vice president; Camp Ezell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Reese Wade, recording secretary, and Mrs. R. J. Findley is treasurer. In 1949 the Beeville Music Club was organized with Mrs. George Brown as president. In 1955 the club was reorganized. again with Mrs. Brown as president. The presidents following her were: Mrs. E. Y. Seale, Mrs. Warren Peterson, Mrs. P. D. Laughter, Mrs. Jack Felts, Mrs. P. E. Davis, Mrs. B. C. Brown, Mrs. Jack Megason, Mrs. E. B. Etheridge, Mrs. S. W. Cather, Mrs. John W. Henshall, Mrs. P. E. Davis, Mrs. Wallace Plafner and Mrs. John W. Henshall. MANY ARTISTS IN BEEVILLE AREAArt was taught here during the 1890s and early 1900s by Miss Nettie Abernathy, who married Duke Marsden. Mrs. Amos Welder, nee Ray Wood, has a painting done of herself at the age of two by this artist. In October 1896 the Dallas News had the following reference to the exhibits of the well‑known Beeville artist at the Dallas Fair: ''The Madonna and Child, and Morning, by Mrs. G. W. Greathouse of Beeville are productions of rare beauty and merit which must be seen to be appreciated. These paintings are now in the art department of the fair.'' Ellie (Mrs. A. C.) Wheeler taught art in her home studio from 1944 until her death in the 1960s. In 1954 Gladys (Mrs. J. K.) Blue and Helen Y. (Mrs. Camp) Ezell were instrumental in bringing Simon Michael of Rockport, Texas, to teach a Friday morning class in Beeville. Mr. Michael, a renowned artist and teacher, studied in the great art schools of this country and studied and taught art in Paris, France, for eight years. After thirteen years of instructing private classes here he joined in 1967 the Fine Arts Department of Bee County College where he continues to give art instruction. Mrs. Bobble Warwick and Waverly (Mrs. Don) Lewis also have taught art at the College. Shirley (Mrs. Alex) Kibler and Dolores (Mrs. Stephen) Horwood have classes in art there also. Ernez (Mrs, Bernard) McWhorter has held classes in crafts at the College and in her home. Mona (Mrs. Scott Jr.) McNeill has had both children and adult art classes for a number of years. Marjorie (Mrs. Bill) Whitenton teaches an art class. Helen Y. (Mrs. Camp) Ezell had a children's art class for eleven years and assisted Simon Michael In teaching children for four years. H. W. (Bus) Ellsworth teaches special classes in his studio on the Orangedale Road. Elizabeth (Mrs. Paul) Schulz teaches china painting. The Beeville Art Guild was organized in May 1964 with thirty‑seven members with Ila E. Richardson Rothlisberger as president. The presidents following her have been Nancy Frye, Lillye Dell Cox, Elizabeth Schulz, Helen Y. Ezell, Patricia Ruebush, and Rea Groves is the president for 1973‑1974. Every year during the Fall Rodeo the Guild sponsors a large area judged Art Show which is open to all artists, including Guild members and nonmembers, in the area. Cash awards and ribbons are given. Local artists who have been recognized or received awards for their work outside of the Beeville shows are as follows: Ellie Wheeler. Mona McNeill, Helen Y. Ezell, Lillye Dell Cox, Elizabeth Schulz, Freddie and Bus Ellsworth, Marjorie Whitenton, George Pinter, Georgia Bedwell, Ila E. Richardson Rofhlisberger, Annafair Buffs, Anna Lee S. Brown, Waverly Lewis, Rea Groves, Esther Barnhart, Jeanne Jones Hause, Pat Dougherty, Allen Hardy, Charyl Kennedy Dragoo, and Ernez McWhorter. Elizabeth Schulz has exhibited her wild flower series at the Witte Museum in San Antonio and in other South Texas towns. Ernez McWhorter was Artist of the Month in Corpus Christi with a one‑man show. The Fine Arts Department of Bee County College holds regular art exhibitions of local and out-of-town artists. The Episcopal Guild has had three annual art shows of out‑of‑town artists. The Rosetta Club has sponsored art exhibitions and children's art shows. The First National Bank for the last five years has sponsored an exhibition of masterpieces from the Country Store Art Gallery of Austin. Mrs. H. B. (Jeanne Jones) Hause has been the sponsor of the Artmobile of South Texas for a week showing in Beeville of great art for the last four years. The Artmobile with the fine paintings is financed by Mrs. John (Mae T. Dougherty) King of Corpus Christi and New York City. Mrs. George Spikes and the late Mr. Spikes' collection of treasured Colonial art has been exhibited several times. 21 - Churches of Beeville << 22 - Clubs and Organizations >> 23 - Fragments of History
The Historical Story
of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell |
Updated Thursday, December 21, 2006 21:02 |
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