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"Free" web presence for Beeville/Bee County since 1996 |
The Historical Story
of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell |
18 - Smaller Communities << 19 - History of Hospitals and Doctors; Bee County Officers >> 20 - Lodges and Fraternities CHAPTER NINETEEN HOSPITALS AND DOCTORSBee County has had six hospitals in the past and five were operated in Beeville. The sixth was in Skidmore. Dr. R. M. Prather, who came to Beeville in 1908, established a large practice, and in 1914 he built the first hospital in Beeville. If was called Beeville Hospital, located at the corner of St. Mary's and East Jones Streets, and provided an eight‑bed service. About two years later Dr. Prather sold the hospital to Dr. J. H. Lander, who operated if two years, then sold it to Dr. L. L. Griffin. After Dr. Griffin's death, Dr. J. W. Edmondson came to Beeville from Georgia and purchased the business from the Griffin heirs. In later years, Dr. Tom B. Reagan, Dr. John Reagan, and Dr. J. Lawrence Reagan, sons of Dr. Charley Reagan who practiced medicine and surgery in Live Oak and Bee Counties for many years, joined Dr. Edmondson in the ownership of the hospital. Another partner in the business was Miss Mary Lord, a registered nurse, who was supervisor of nurses at the Beeville Hospital. Dr. D. M. Thurston, who came to Beeville from Ohio before the turn of the century, established a small hospital at 201 East Cleveland Street around 1917 or 1918, and he and his wife, Mrs. Suzan V. Thurston, a registered nurse, operated the eight‑bed hospital. The business was discontinued when Dr. Thurston died in the 1920s. Thomas Memorial Hospital was built in 1928 by Dr. Scott E. McNeill and Dr. Howard Lancaster. It was located on the east side of North Polk Street in the 800 block. Mrs. V. G. Thomas made a donation to help get the business started, and the physicians named the institution in memory of Mrs. Thomas's late husband. Dr. Ernest Miller joined the two surgeons in 1934. During World War 11 all three doctors were with the armed forces and the hospital was closed for the duration of the conflict. It was re‑opened in 1945. Early in 1961 the citizens of Bee County voted a bond issue in the amount of $850,000 for the erection of a county hospital. The U. S. Government furnished an equal amount as a grant, and Memorial Hospital was built. The three physicians of Thomas Memorial closed their hospital and began practicing at the new institution. The Commissioners Court signed a contract with the Seventh‑day Adventists for the operation of the hospital. In 1968 the Commissioners Court purchased Beeville Hospital Building and all of the physicians who were practicing there joined the medical staff at Memorial Hospital. Dr. J. Axton Malone settled in Bee County in 1917. He married Miss Enola Craven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craven. Dr. Malone purchased the old Corrigan residence in Skidmore and converted it into a hospital. The structure was destroyed by fire in 1931. Dr. Christian Bors Hall, an osteopathic physician and surgeon, purchased the old Thurston Hospital on January 1, 1944, and operated it under the name of Bors Clinic. In 1958, Dr. Evalyn Kennedy, daughter of Dr. Lena McCraray (both osteopathic physicians and surgeons), bought the clinic and is presently operating the business. An earlier osteopathic physician here was Dr. Catherine Compton, and when she moved to San Antonio in 1927, Dr. McCraray took over her patients. Dr. Leander Hayden was the first medical physician to come to the settlement where Beeville is today. He was a relative of G. B. McCollom and moved to this area from San Antonio in the early 1850s. He purchased land where the Chambliss home has stood for many years, but after a short period moved back to San Antonio. Although Mrs. Caroline Page was not a graduate of a medical college, she had learned how to deliver babies and take care of people who were suffering from ordinary maladies, and starting in 1855 the citizens of the Aransas Creek settlement depended upon her practical skill during times of illness. She was referred to as ''Doctor Page.'' Other early‑day physicians who gave medical services to the pioneers during the 1870‑1880 period included: Doctors William P. McGrew, A. T. Brandis, T. W. Nott, T. W. Johnson, G. S. Dyal, W. F. Reh, T. S. Kupfer (father of Mrs. Robert Linke Sr.), H. J. Noff and R. A. Markham. In the 1890s: Doctors Samuel Miller Perry, F. M. Moore, William A. Davis, Leonardo Trevino, Thomas D. Merritt, Alfred H. Flowers, H. C. Moore, A. B. Smith, T. F. Davis, F. R. Durritt, R. C. Flower, Gilbert A. Fuente, and H. H. Wynne. During the early 1900s came: Doctors H. E. Whalby, J. L. Simpson, S. H. Bell, W. E. Williams. William H. Rutland, J. L. Adams, Frank Kent, C. T. Moffett, Will S. Irwin, Henry Becker, Heinrich Auer, J. C. Keeley, A. J. Johnson, A. E. Howe, T. C. Cannon, A. Sachs, and Andrew Stovall. Registering in Beeville in 1908 were: Doctors G. M. Stephens, B. F. Seymour, L. E. Parr, W. T. Buckalow, G. L. Marshall, J. N. Long, W. G. Ponton, J. L. Berry, and Jason H. Moore. (Although they registered in 1908, most of them were here before the turn of the century.) Dr. A. J. Turner came in 1909; Don Pablo Diaz y Diaz, 1910; W. H. Lewis, Houston Neeley, J. W. Horn, and G. S. Lincoln. 1911 ‑, F. B. Wheeler, Orville Egbert. and M. L. Mahaffey, 1912; Maury J. Perkins, C. D. Williamson, Austin 0. Hull, F. B. Crutcher. C. H. Reagan (father of Doctors Tom. John and Lawrence Reagan). and Alison Wright, 1913; W. F. McMullen and N. H. Bowman, 1914; E. G. Cochran and Charles Edwards. 1918; M. B. Cook, 192 1. Also: John A. Crockett, Scott E. McNeill, and Herbert Young, 1923; Howard Lancaster, 1925; P. M. Waltrip. 1929; Andrew J. McNees, Homer E. Prince, William T. Malone, Emile Clemons Schulze, J. M. Rodriguez, and W. E. Frashier, 1930: Louis Fowler Dodd and Hamner Carson Irwin, 1931; C. Shaffer, 1933; L. W. Kirkland and H. L. Knowles, 1934; C. C. Berry, 1937; Adolfo cle la Pena, 1938; James Pope Gill, 1939; Joe M. Barnhart 111, 1943; Nathan Mann, 1947; Joseph Scott Lancaster, 1956; Charles Harris Banof and Albert McRae Lewis, 1957; Dr. Roy Grogan, 1962, and Dr. Charles House, 1964. Physicians and surgeons who are currently practicing in Beeville are: Doctors Scott E. McNeill (refried but serving as county health physician), Howard E. Lancaster, Ernest E. Miller, Tom Stark, Tom B. Reagan, John W. Reagan, J. Lawrence Reagan, Joseph Obregon, James Patrick Hernon, Donald R. Sprague, and Dr. Humberto Enriquez. Dr. Carolyn Adlof of Three Rivers and Dr. John Meede of George West are members of Memorial Hospital staff and bring their surgical and obstetrical patients to Beeville. Huber Manor Convalescent Home, on San Antonio Highway north of Beeville, was built in 1964 and the opening was held in February 1965. In March 1968 a wing was added, affording a total of one hundred beds for patients. Walter Huber was the administrator. On December 6, 1969. Medical Services Inc. acquired the institution, and William Smith was named administrator. The home at this writing is filled to capacity. Hillside Lodge, a home for aged and convalescent patients, was erected on Hillside Drive, south of Memorial Hospital, in 1972‑1973. The home has one hundred fwenty‑five beds. If is owned by Dr. John Hester and Dr. Orville Schroeder, Beeville optometrists, and Frank Smeikal, Jon Newton. and Ray W. McDonald, the latter of Abilene. Cost of the building was $400,000, and the furnishings, $ 100,000, making a total outlay of half a million dollars. Mrs. C. Sue Mills is adminisfrafor. The formal opening was held April 15, 1973. BEE COUNTY DENTISTS, VETERINARIANS, AND CHIROPRACTORSThe following dentists registered for practice in Bee County since 1897: Fred M. Irwin, Richard Joseph Forham, G. G. Martin, E. H. McCoy, and C. S. Phillips. 1897; J. A. Hareau, 1898; R. M. Risenhoover, 1905; Earl Stafford, 1906: L. N. Connally, 1912; Benjamin L. Roseman, 1913; W. P. Morgan, 1923; W. H. Jenkins, 1927; J. H. Rice, 1928; Leo Ed. Molak, 1939; Ernest C. Spellmann, 1947; Nell H. Kirkham and Allen Lee Lasiter, 1962; Dudley Braly, 1960, and Michael Huckman, 1971. There are two veterinary hospitals in Beeville: McNeill Veterinary Hospital on Houston Highway, owned and operated by Dr. Scoff E. McNeill Jr. and Dr. Jerry R. Berryman; and Orchard Veterinary Clinic on San Antonio Highway, owned and operated by Dr. John Orchard. In March 1973 Dr. L. A. Prowse III moved to Beeville and established a veterinary practice at his home, corner of St. Mary's and Carter Streets. Other veterinarians who registered to practice in Beeville were: 0. W. Jordan, 1893; John H. Smith, 1898; C. A. Turner, 1901; R. A. Yates and W. T. Thompson, 1906; Paul Moore, 1938; and Tyrus Vance Dahl, 1940. Licensed chiropractors who have practiced in Beeville include: A. A. Nelson, 1943; H. E. Tolliver, 1944; Houston Blankenship, 1949; Robert H. Miller, Luther Trewitt, and Claude W. Butterfield, 19SO??, and Gustav Roemer, 1955. MEDICAL SOCIETYThe Beeville Medical Society was organized in 191 1. On January 3 1. 1934, it was reorganized to include three counties. It was named the Bee, Live Oak and McMullen Counties Medical Association, and Dr. Howard Lancaster of Beeville was named the first president. The association meets once a year, but if deemed necessary, meetings will be called to transact any important business. Dr. Joseph Obregon of Beeville is the immediate past‑president, and Dr. Lawrence Reagan, also of Beeville, is the current president. DOCTORS ARE HONOREDDr. Scott McNeill Sr. and Dr. Howard E. Lancaster were made Fellows of the American College of Surgeons in October 1934. Dr. Lancaster was honored by being voted info honorary membership of the Texas Medical Association by his colleagues at the 106th annual meeting of the Association in May 1973. Dr. Joseph M. Barnhart 'is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Barnhart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barnhart of Beeville, and is a graduate of A. C. Jones High Schocl. He is Chief of the Orthopedic Section of Saint Luke's Hospital, Houston, and associate professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine. In the late 1960s Dr. Barnhart performed a plastic hip surgery at the Princess Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, and a few weeks later in London he was made a Fellow of the International College of Surgeons. Besides many other honors given to him, Phi Beta Pi, a medical fraternity, recently bestowed on him the title of Man of the Year in Texas for 1973. AUXILIARY WORKS FOR HOSPITALMemorial Hospital Auxiliary of Beeville, organized in 1964 for the purpose of serving patients and visitors at Memorial Hospital, is popularly known as Pink Ladies, so called because the members wear pink uniforms. The organization sponsored the Candy Stripers, comprised of girls between the ages of 14 and 18 years, who help the parent club in carrying out their duties. The Pink Ladies operate a snack bar and gift shop in the hospital to raise money for the purchase of equipment for the hospital. During the eight years an auxiliary has been working, more than $30,000 has been raised in this way, Among the items purchased were an X‑ray developer, surgical supplies, lamps, a table for the foyer, and many others, and the club re‑finished the foyer last year, which was dedicated in October at a formal ceremony. There are three types of membership‑Active, Contributing, and Life. Membership dues also help to finance the projects of the Auxiliary. All members are volunteers. In addition to purchasing equipment for the hospital, the organization has given a total of $2,750 for scholarships to students working toward becoming Licensed Vocational Nurses and Registered Nurses, and $ 1 000 has been set aside for a student who is ready for medical college to study to become a physician and surgeon. Another project for the Auxiliary was buying a television set for every room in the hospital. Past‑presidents of the organization are: Mrs. Monroe Finke, Mrs. H. W. May, Mrs. Carl Malone, Mrs. R. W. Routh, Mrs. L. P. Landrum, Mrs. Richard DeBolt, Mrs. R. W. Holubec, and Mrs. J. P. Groves. There are 65 active members. BEE COUNTY OFFICERSThe minutes of the Commissioners Court, dating from 1858 when Bee County was organized and continuing to the present time, reveal the names of the various county officers and the dates they served. The County Judge was called Chief Justice until the title of the office was changed (to County Judge) by the Constitution of 1876. However, no Chief Justice was listed in the minutes from 1870 to 1876, the reconstruction period following the War Between the States. During that time the county was governed by a Police Court, over which the Justice of the Peace of Precinct Number One presided. The officers listed are as follows: COUNTY JUDGESW. B. Thompson, January 1858 to August 1858. Ewing Wilson, August 1858 to August 1860. Green D. Gay, August 1860 to October 1864. John Hynes, October 1864 to October 1868. 170 HISTORY OF BEE COUNTY David Craven, October 1868 to May 1870. W. R. Hayes, April 1876 to November 1892. Felix Hart, November 1892 to November 1900. W. S. Dugat, November 1900 to November 1903. J. C. Dougherty, November 1903 to November 1904. A. T. Hart, November 1904 to November 1906. W. W. Dodd, November 1906 to November 1910. T. M. Cox, November 1910 to November 1916. Charles Troy, November 1916 to December 1918. T. M. Cox, December 1918 to August 1922. Felix Hart, August 1922 to November 1924. R. J. Beasley, November 1924 to December 1945. John C. Beasley, January 1946 to January 1947. Joe Wade, January 1947 to September 1957. John H. Monroe, September 1957 to August 1965. Jack Knight, August 1965 to November 1970. John M. Turner, November 1970‑(incumbent). SHERIFFS John G. Campbell, January 1858 to August 1858. D. S. Page, August 1858 to August 1859. James V. Martin, August 1859 to December 1859. Wyatt Anderson, January 1860 to September 1860. William S. Fuller, September 1860 to November 186 1. B. M. Ballard, November 1861 to August 1862. William Miller, August 1862 to August 1864. Patrick Burke, August 1864 to November 1865. James Wilson, November 1865 to November 1866. Ed Hall, November 1866 to May 1867. William Parchman, May 1867 to October 1869. John W. Cook, October 1869 to March 1870. J. N. Lee, March 1870 to August 1870. Thomas Marsden, August 1870 to July 1872. William Parchman, July 1872 to December 1873. James M. McCollom, December 1873 to July 1875. W. K. Clark, July 1875 to March 1876. D. A. T. Walton, March 1876 to November 1894. James 0. Taylor, November 1894 to November 1900. J. E. Wilson. November 1900 to November 1910. Joe Thornton, November 1910 to November 1920. Walter Malone, November 1920 to November 1924. John E. McCollom, November 1924 to November 1932. J. B. Arnold, November 1932 to October 1939. W. J. Corrigan, October 1939 to November 1944. Vail Ennis, November 1944 to November 1952. J. L. Duffy, November 1952 to November 1960. Jack Robinson, November 1960‑(incumbent). COUNTY CLERKS Henderson Williams, January 1858 to August 1860. G. W. McClanahan, August 1860 to November 1865. George McKinney, November 1865C. B. Kibbee, November 1865 to September 1866. T. J. Smith, September 1866 to June 1869. J. L. Smith, June 1869 to August 1870. T. J. Smith, Augur‑t 1870 to November 1874. H. W. Wilson, November 1874 to March 1880. R. C. Eeds, March 1880 to November 1894. Franklin Howard, November 1894 to November 1900. Dan Troy, November 1900 to December 1916. Fred J. Malone, December 1916 to November 1944. Irvin N. Boothe, November 1944 to September 1957. Hazel Parchman, September 1957‑(incumbent). (From 1870 until 1910 the offices of County and District Clerks were combined.) DISTRICT CLERKS S. B. Merriman. January 1858 to November 1859. Green D. Gay, November 1859 to June 1860. Edward McDonald, June 1860 to August 1860. William Kennedy, August 1860 to August 1864. Luke Hart, August 1864 to September 1869. Alfred Cready, September 1869 to March 1870. T. J. Smith, March 1870 to December 1874. H. W. Wilson, December 1874 to March 1880. R. C. Eeds. March 1880 to November 1894. Franklin M. Howard, November 1894 to November 1900. Dan Troy, November 1900 to November 1910. Z. T. Partain, November 1910 to November 1934. Mona Seymour Nutt, November 1934‑(incumbent). COUNTY TREASURERS William Hynes, January 1858 to August 1859. Giles Carter, August 1859 to September 1860. R. H. Allsup, September 1860 to February 1871. W. R. Hayes, February 1871 to April 1876. A. C. Jones, April 1876 to March 1882. W. M. Smith, March 1882 to November 1888. J. H. O'Connor, November 1888 to July 1895. August T. Johnson, July 1895 to November 1898. Edward L. Burke, November 1898 to November 1900. W. M. Smith, November 1900 to June 1914. Lillian Smith, June 1914 to November 1914. W. S. Barber, November 1914 to November 1922. B. A. O'Neal, November 1922 to November 1924. W. S. Barber, November 1922 to November 1928. Edna Barber, November 1928 to November 1940. Gilbert Harris, November 1940 to November 1950. G. H. Kindred, November 1950 to November 1958. Bryan G. Adair, November 1958 to December 1970. Myra Adair, December 1970‑(incumbent). TAX ASSESSORS AND COLLECTORSJames Druery, January 1858 to November 1858. J. B. Madray, November 1858 to August 1862. Patterson Clark, August 1862 to September 1865. J. B. Madray, October 1865 to June 1866. B. B. Atkins, June 1866 to December 1869. TAX COLLECTORSD. A. T. Walton, February 1876 to November 1894. James 0. Taylor, November 1894 to November 1900. J. E. Wilson, November 1900 to November 1914. Stafford Rees, November 1914 to November 1922. R. L. Eidson, November 1922 to November 1924. Tom Craven, November 1924 to November 1928. Mary Cochran, November 1928 to November 1934. TAX ASSESSORSW. K. Clark, February 1876 to November 1880. W. S. Howard, November 1880 to November 1894. Paul Baxter, November 1894 to November 1908. Tom Craven, November 1908 to November 1922. J. Max Range, November 1922 to November 1924. Walter Nations, November 1924 to November 1934. TAX ASSESSORS‑COLLECTORSW. H. Williams, November 1934 to November 1940. Frank McKinney, November 1940 to October 1942. Carrie McKinney, October 1942 to October 1970. Lulan Fraser. October 1970‑(incumbent). (From 1870 to 1876 the Police Court collected the county taxes, and from 1876 to 1910, the Sheriff collected the taxes.) COUNTY ATTORNEYSM. P. Lane. February 186 1 to June 1866. James G. Cleary, June 1866 to March 1871. Charles A. Williams, March 1871J. J. Swann, February 1876 to May 1877. John C. Beasley, May 1877 to November 1880. W. S. Dugat, November 1880 to November 1884. John C. Beasley, November 1884 to November 1886. W. S. Dugat, November 1886 to November 1890. W. W. McCampbell, November 1890 to November 1892. W. W. Dodd, November 1892 to November 1898. Thomas M. Cox, November 1898 to November 1906. J. J. Carmichael, November 1906 to September 1912. Charles Troy, September 1912 to December 1916. W. W. Dodd, December 1916 to November 1920. W. G. Gayle, November 1920 to September 1925. John Baker, September 1925 to November 1932. W. M. Porter, November 1932 to November 1938. 0. Kennedy, November 1938 to November 1940. John M. Turner, November 1940 to November 1942. Catherine Lyne Miller, November 1942 to November 1944. 0. Kennedy, November 1944 to November 1946. Jack Knight, November 1946 to November 1952. Richard Rudeloff, November 1952 to November 1968. William B. Moser, November 1968‑(incumbent). COUNTY SURVEYORSHenry Weir, January 1858 to August 1860. J. M. Dunlap, August 1860 to August 1864. Green D. Gay, August 1864 to September 1865. P. R. Mitchell, September 1865 to December 1870. J. L. Williams, December 1870 to November 1872. J. B. Atkins, November 1872 to October 1877. Dan Troy, October 1877 to November 1878. John F. Fenner, November 1878 to November 1879. R. W. Fenner, November 1879 to November 1912. John S. Fenner, November 1912 to September 1918. Roy Fenner, September 1918 to May 1932. Herbert Whalen, May 1932 to November 1971. Joe C. Penney Jr., November 197 1 ‑(incumbent). COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTIONLida Dougherty, September 1910 to October 1913. Mary Shay, October 1913 to November 1914. J. A. Risenhoover, November 1914 to November 1916. Pattie Reagan, November 1916 to November 1920. Fannie B. Doble, November 1920 to November 1924. L. W. Bell, November 1924 to July 1930. Pauline Bell, July 1930 to November 1930. M. A. Wroten, November 1930 to November 1938. Loyd Wylie, November 1938 to November 1950. Charles Houlihan, November 1950 to November 1962. Fair Brown Hollis, November 1962 to November 1966, when the office was abolished by an act of the Texas Legislature. DISTRICT JUDGESFourteenth Judicial District: Milford P. Norton, 1858‑1860; John F. McKinney, 1860‑1863; Benjamin F. Neal, 1863‑1865; Edward P. Upton, 18651866; Benlamin F. Neal, 1866‑1869; J. J. Holt, 1869‑1870; D. D. Clairborne, 1870‑1873. Seventeenth Judicial District: D. D. Clairborne, 1873‑1876. Twenty‑third Judicial District: Henry Clay Peasants, 1876‑1885. Twenty‑fourth Judicial District: Henry C. Pleas ants, 1885‑1892; James Wilson, 1892‑1893; Sterling F. Grimes, 1893‑1896; James C. Wilson, 1896‑1909. Thirty‑sixth Judicial District: E. A. Stevens, 1909‑1912; F. G. Chambliss, 1912‑1919; M. A. Childers, 1919‑1922; T. M. Cox, 1922‑1935; W. G. Gayle, 1935‑1957; John H. Miller, 1957‑(incumbent). One Hundred Fifty‑sixth Judicial District: Joe Wade, 1957‑(incumbent). DISTRICT ATTORNEYSFourteenth Judicial District: J. B. Murphy, 1858‑1863; John S. Givens, 1863‑1865; Albert R. Lane, 1865‑1869; J. Wadsworth, 1869‑1870; A. R. Lane, 1870‑1872; James Martin, 1872‑1873. Seventeenth Judicial District: P. B. Ward, 1873‑1875; Seth Woodruff, 1875‑1876; G. H. Brown. pro fem; and J. J. Swann, county attorney. Twenty-third Judicial District: William H. Crain, 1876‑1878; Lucius H. Browne, 1878‑1879; Sterling F. Grimes, 1879‑1885. Twenty‑fourth Judicial District: Sterling F. Grimes, 1885‑1893; A. B. Davidson, 1893‑1897; J. V. Vandenberg, 1897‑1903; G. E. Pope, 19031908; George H. Schleicher, 1908‑1909. Thirty‑sixth Judicial District: T. P. Morris, 1909‑1917; W. W. Dodd, 1917‑1918; M. C. Nelson, 1918‑1919; Charles Troy, 1919‑1922; Sid B. Malone, 1923‑1926; W. G. Gayle, 1927‑1935; Alex F. Cox, 1935‑1946; John H. Miller, 1947‑1957; Joe Caldwell, 1957‑1959; John Flynn, 1960(incumbent). STATE SENATORSForbes Britt on, 1858; Benjamin F. Neal, 1859; Pryor Lea, 186 1 ; J. Littleton, 1866; B. J. Pridgen, 1870; George P. Finlay, 1873; W. R. Friend, 1874; W. H. Crain, 1876; E. P. Lane, 1879; L. H, Brown, 1881; Rudolph Kleberg, 1883; W. H. Woodward, 1887; Reid A. Weisiger, 1891; L. L. Lawhon, 1893; Edward Di. Linn, 1897; A. B. Davidson, 1899; William 0. Murray, 1907; John H. Bailey, 1915; J. W. Stevenson, 1929: E. J. Blackerf, 1933; Morris Roberts, 1941; John J. Bell, 1947; William S. Fly, 1955" William N. Pafman, 1961; Wayne Connally, 1967; Ronald Bridges, 1972; Mike McKennon, 1973‑(incumbent). STATE REPRESENTATIVESSomers Kinney, 1858; Alfred M. Hobby, 1859; T. B. F. Cocke, 1861; C. A. Russell, 1863; S. T. Foster, 1866; L. B. Camp, 1870; M. E. Kleberg, 1873; S. S. Lawhorn, 1874; E. A. Perrenof, resigned, and Leroy Roberts, 1876; E. D. Linn, 1879; G. M. Rogers, 1883; M. F. Lowe, 1885; A. C. Jones elected in 1887 but became ill in San Antonio while en route to Austin and T. A. Blair took his seat; J. H. Rhodes, 1889; G. W. Fulton, 1891; Albert G. Kennedy, 1893; J. D. Mitchell, 1895; T. C. McFarland, 1897‑, G. M. Thurmond, 1901; 0. S. York, 1903; A. M. McFadding, 1905; J. P. Pool, 1907; John W. Flournoy, 1909; Thomas M. COX, 1915; J. C. Russell, 19 17: Herbert S. Bonham, 1919; George W. Coltrin, 1 929; Morris Roberts, 1933; Harvey Shell, 1937; Henry L. Atkinson, 1945; Harvey Shell, 1947; John N. Barnhart, 195 1 ; Dudley T. Dougherty, 1953 ; Louis Holstein, 1955; Jerry Butler, 1959; Paul B. Haring, 1963; W. S. Pickett, 1967; Jon Newton, 1971‑(incumbent). COUNTY COMMISSIONERSPrecinct 1: John L. Phelps, January 1858 to May 1859; Henry T. Clare. May 1859 to June 1866; James Martin, June 1866 to December 1869; Henry T. Clare, February 1876 to November 1884; John W. Cook, November 1884 to November 1894; Thomas Welder, November 1894 to Novinger 1914; T. C. Buerger, November 1914 to November 1916; J. E. Wilson, November 1916 to November 1922; G. M. Stephens, November 1922 to November 1924; S. S. Dugat, November 1924 to December 1939; Jennie Dugat, December 1939 to November 1940; H. L. Nelson, November 1940 to November 1944; J. A. Nichols, November 1944 to November 1948; Gilbert Harris, November 1948 to November 1954; Edward T. (Boots) Mussett, November 1954 to February 1967; Christine Mussett, February 1967 to November 1968; Truett Dunn, November 1968 to April 1970; Domingo Medina, April 1970 to November 1970; Adam Gonzales, November 1970‑(incumbent). Precinct 2: David Craven, January 1858 to February 1859; C. C. Jones, February 1859 to August 1860; C. B. Palmer, August 1860 to August 1862; T. J. Smith, August 1862 to June 1866; David Calliham, June 1866 to December 1869; W. J. Porter. February 1876 to November 1878; W. T. Roberts. November 1878 to November 1888‑, J. E. Maley, November 1888 to November 1890*, L. M. Smith, November 1890 to November 1902; H. F. Copeland, November 1902 to September 1907: W. A. Boothe, September 1907 to November 1908; W. F. Marshall, November 1908 to November 1912; J. W. Ray, November 1912 to November 1914; C. 1. Swan, November 1914 to September 1918; E. E. Green, September 1918 to November 1920; G. A. Ray, November 1920 to November 1922; J. E. Copeland, November 1922 to November 1930: Ed. Harris, November 1930 to November 1932; J. E. Copeland, November 1932 to November 1936; Dewey Sinclair, November 1936 to May 1964; Mrs. Dewey Sinclair, May 1964 to November 1964; C. T. (George) O'Neal. November 1964‑(incumbent). Precinct 3: Lewis Campbell, January 1858 to February 1859; John A. Nutt, February 1859 to August 1860; John A. Callihan August 1860 to August 1862; H. A. Young, August 1862 to August 1864: D. C. Grover, August 1864 to June 1866; J. H. Althouse, June 1866 to December 1869‑, Charles Summers, February 1876 to November 1880; S. P. H. Williams, November 1880 to November 1882‑, Hugh May, November 1882 to November 1884; A. L. Barber, November 1884 to November 1890; Dan Fox, November 1890 to November 1892; D. E. Beedy, November 1892 to November 1898; H. H. Bissett, November 1898 to November 1904: Dr. E. Beedy, November 1904 to June 191 1; H. E. May, June 191 1 to December 1918; C. A. Barber, December 1918 to November 1924; Tom Williams. November 1924 to November 1930‑, C. A. Barber, November 1930 to January 1937*. W. E. Handy, January 1937 to May 1942; Grace Handy, May 1942 to November 1946; Cyrus Fox, November 1946 to September 1961; Mrs. Cyrus Fox, September 1961 to November 1962; C. J. Valenta, November 1962 to November 1968; Edward Wicker. November 1968‑(incumbent). Precinct 4: Henry T. Clare, January 1858 to February 1859; D. C. Grover, February 1859 to August 1864; James McKeown, August 1864 to June 1866; John Atkins, June 1866 to December 1869; W. B. Burditt, February 1876 to November 1878; Luke Hart, November 1878 to November 1880; J. W. Burditt, November 1880 to November 1882; C. H. Kirchner, November 1882 to November 1884; J. D. Ryan, November 1884 to November 1888; Timothy Hart, November 1888 to November 1890; Thomas Craven, November 1890 to November 1892; F. C. McKinney, November 1892 to November 1894; A. C. McFall, November 1894 to November 1896; W. R. Hayes, November 1896 to November 1898; A. C. McFall, November 1898 to November 1900; W. R. Hayes, November 1900 to November 1904; F. M. Kring, November 1904 to November 1912; Gus Natho, November 1912 to August 1916; F. M. Kring, August 1916 to June 1918; J. E. Montgomery. June 1918 to November 1922; L. E. Range, November 1922 to November 1926; Hugo F. Spiekerman, November 1926 to November 1958; R. V. Stubenthal, November 1958‑('incumbent). (From 1870 to 1876 Bee County was governed by a Police Court and no commissioners were elected during that period.) 18 - Smaller Communities << 19 - History of Hospitals and Doctors; Bee County Officers >> 20 - Lodges and Fraternities
The Historical Story
of Bee County Texas By Camp Ezell |
Updated Thursday, December 21, 2006 21:02 |
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