Beeville, Texas |
Please contact the office if you would like to see other information on the web site. Our school has a new URL: www.FBCSWeb.com Events and activities
School registration, forms, organizations...
Bible, History, Computer Lab
Christmas In October Dear Parent, The students and staff of the F.B.C.S. will be participating in a Christmas in October event this year. The purpose of this activity is to allow our students the opportunity to say thank you to our soldiers for fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy. This is how it will work:
(The academic understanding will vary by grade level.)
ITEMS REQUESTED Baby Wipes (no showers in some areas) Crew Socks Nuts, Jerky and/or Dried Fruit * Hard Candy and Gum * Deodorant, Foot Powder and/or Baby Powder** Envelopes and/or Writing Paper Disposable Razors with Lubricant Lip Balm * Prepackaged ** No aerosol containers CELEBRATE GRANDPARENTS’ DAY We would like to invite you to join us as we honor our grandparents during our chapel time on Wednesday, September 12th at 8:30 A.M. We believe that grandparents are such an integral part of a child’s life and we would like to express to you just how much we appreciate you. Some of our children’s grandparents will not be able to join us, however, we would like to have you be a part of our children’s’ life at this time. After chapel time we will be having a “brunch” time in the gymnasium. During this time, we will also be taking pictures of grandparents with the grandchildren. Please be sure to have your picture taken before you leave. We mainly want the pictures for our school yearbook. However, if you would like to purchase a picture we will have order forms available.
CURRENT EVENTS and Activities
Updated Wednesday, September 26, 2007 08:11 |
First Baptist Church School -
Beeville, Texas |