Remember W.C. Stephenson said in the 1953 article (from your
website) in the CCC Times:
"Stephenson said he made the clay model for the statue here
in Beeville (note by Paul Gerdes - 1708 North Madison, now
razed) and sent it to St. Louis where it was cast in copper
(note by Paul Gerdes; the statue is actually made from zinc
- and was painted with a coating that resembled copper at
the time, or nearly as it appears today. I don't think he
ever knew it was made of zinc and not copper). The company
that completed the figure asked and got Stephenson's
permission to make copies of his work. There may be other
"Stephenson Justices" scattered about the country, but he
never took the time to check and see where they were
Here is the text from an email I rec'd from my Cousin, Jim
Goodwin, son of Winifred Stephenson Goodwin and Jim Goodwin
who used to live at "the ranch" at La Para Creek...
Does this look familiar to you? I have friends in Guanajuato,
MX, who sent this to me.....
Both the husband and wife are architects. I'd told them that
Grandpa Stephenson was an artist, sculptor, architect,
musician and actor.....Sandra wanted to see some of his
works, so I sent all the pix I had, plus the websites which
relate to him.....
Well, it turns out that there is a theater in Gto. that has
the nine muses in it.....this is a picture of one of
them.....when they saw Grandpa's statue of Justice, they
couldn't believe their eyes. I don't know when this statue
was cast, or where; it does resemble Justice
remarkably......even to the crown of stars......
Let me hear your words on this......when was Justice done?
Jim |