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Ladies Night Out Vendor information is in two formats
Dear Prospective Vendor: On Tuesday, February 28, 2006, “Ladies Night Out” is coming back to Beeville, and I know that you will want to participate in this annual event. Last year over 250 ladies enjoyed Cajun food, drank wine, and learned about all the wonderful services offered in our community. It was fun for all! This year’s event will be held at the Texas Grand. The CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation generates philanthropic support for the Health System. This year’s “Ladies Night Out” will help raise money for the emergency room lobby furniture and side chairs for the treatment rooms at the CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital- Beeville. We know that you will want to showcase your products and services at this event! For the nominal fee of $25.00, you will receive two (2) entry tickets for you & one assistant to the event. In addition to the cost of the booth, we ask that each vendor donate an item or service for the evening’s drawings. What a wonderful, inexpensive way to reach your customers and find potential new ones! All gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. A vendor form is enclosed. Please send it to Teresa Holland, 300 W Hutchinson, Beeville, TX 78102. Please do not hesitate to contact Teresa Holland at 358-1550 should you need any additional information about our event. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration of this request. Sincerely, Vendor Sales Agreement
Please print all informationBusiness Name: _________________________________________________________ Contact Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: _______________ Phone(s): ______________________________________________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________________ Type of Booth: (please circle) Informational Service Products (items sold) Description of booth: ____________________________________________________ Special needs for your booth: (electricity, extra chairs, etc.) _____________________________ Terms: I have read the attached terms of this agreement and will abide by them. If for some reason, I cannot agree to them, I will speak to Lou Adele May ahead of time for any special permission. ______________________________________________ Signature
______ I agree to pay $25 per booth. This charge includes two (2) entry tickets into the event. ______ I will have an additional ____ individual(s) who will work with me at my booth. I understand that there is an additional $25 charge per person. _____ I understand that I am asked to give an item for the drawing per our agreement. I will be donating the following item: _____________________________________________________________ Value$ ______
Total amount due to committee before January 25, 2005 $__________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________ Printed name: ______________________________________________________ Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Please mail to: 300 W Hutchinson Beeville, TX 78102 Please keep for your records: We are delighted that you are interested in participating in the 3rd Annual Beeville Ladies Night Out. Our past vendors have found this event to be beneficial to growing their business/ organization. To make the event enjoyable by all, we ask the vendors agree to follow the below terms.
Vendor Terms of Agreement
If for some reason, you find that these terms cannot be met, please contact the event chair, Lou Adele May (361-358-1307), to ask for special provisions. Thank you for your interest.
Updated Thursday, December 21, 2006 20:58 |
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