First Baptist Church School
PreK-6 Christian School

Beeville, Texas
Ministry of FBC Beeville

 . .  Early Release Today at NOON with No Aftercare . . . Friday is last day of 1st Six Weeks . . .


How we collect our images

  1. Scanners
  2. Digital Camera


Hovering Bee captured with Kodak DC240. This was one of the first out-door images captured with our DC240. I wish that I had the camera in a higher resolution mode when I captured the image.

Austin, Texas From Highway 183 upper deck

How we collect our images


  1. HP4c
  2. Visioneer 3100b

Digital Camera

  1. Kodak DC240

A few early comments seem necessary. We purchased the camera at a VERY good price at PCMall. The camera arrived promptly. The camera did not work as expected upon arrival. The short saga is below. The DC240 works as expected now and we are pleased with the camera.


From the very beginning the camera would not download to the computer beyond the third image and the camera was always asking to format the card. The camera could not format the card. HOWEVER,  every once in a while the camera would capture as well as display images. Then, as certain as it worked, it would not do anything but "please format."

We tested the downloading on Windows 95, 98, and NT with the same results and uninstalled/installed the programs many times.

After calling Kodak several times, we  finally reached a "human." David told us to send the card to him and he would put our images on a new card and return them by overnight carrier. We mailed (USPS) the card and received the returned card in about 6 days.

Upon receiving the "new" card, the camera requested that we format the card. After power on/off several times, we were able to display the images. However, next power off/on the camera wanted the card formatted.

Called Kodak immediately. Another tech told us that she was sending a new card without first being required to send the "just arrived" card back..  It seemed that she wanted to locate the source of the problem: the camera or the card. If the camera worked with the new card, then the card was the problem. If the camera did not work, then the camera was at fault and we would have to send it in for repair.

We received the new 8 me card in two business days (there was a weekend between the two days) and


We can capture images and download to computer with no difficulties. The camera works as expected. About 800 images have been captured and downloaded in the testing mode.

We actually, owned the machine about on month before, we were able to utilize our investment.

Updated Tuesday, August 28, 2007
     Created Wednesday, September 15 1999

First Baptist Church School - Beeville, Texas
Pre K - 6th Grade
Ministry of First Baptist Church -