School Page

Network as of July 2005

Network Topology

Troubles we have had



The network consists of a variety of computers, monitors, printers, networking equipment, and software that has been donated and purchased by many different individuals and groups.


  • Dell ___ using
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard


  • Two 24 port hubs
  • Bulk wiring with RJ-45 connectors
  • Each classroom, library, finance office has one wire run directly to the room with one computer minimum in each room
    • 8 port hubs have been purchased to add more computers to each room
  • The FBC Worship Center is part of the network and the student present their PowerPoint in the auditorium.

Internet Resources

  •  used for math drilling in K-6.
    • Students have a form in MS Word that they fill out showing there progress.
    • All students (K-6) begin the year with the K exercises. They are required to do at least 20 examples of each exercise with 90-100% accuracy before moving the next grade level  The 6th grade will work through grades K-5 before they start 6th grade work. The purpose of the exercise is to reinforce fundamental skills.
    • Used to provide supporting details for history class.
    • Used for supporting resource material in History
  • Primary Sources


  • 9 Gateway --- (purchased by FBCS in 1999)
  • 6 Dell (donated by Brooke Insurance)
  • 1 HP (donated by Wild Life Art Taxidermy)
  • 6 Great Value  from Fry's Electronic (Donated by interested individuals
  • 6 no name (donated)
  • A variety for several individuals.


  • All machines have Windows XP Pro
  • MS Encarta 2005 license purchased form (We have been very pleased with Zones over the years. We have purchased most all of our software from them.  The Texas Rep (as of 2005-July) is Queen Dixon and she is very helpful.
  • Word Processor: Microsoft Office 2003, 2000, XP, and 97.
  • Typing
    • We are using (Kid's typing) this year.
      This program allows you to determine the row the student will work with. The student will need have some reading skills.
    • We have use Mavis Beacon 9 and 10 in the past.
    • We have the students use cover-sheets when typing. We do not allow them to look at the keys on the keyboard.
  • Renaissance Learning
    • We use Renaissance Place which is a more web based program.
    • Star Reading
      • Three or more times a year, the students take a Star test using computer lab time.
    • Accelerated reader
      • The student take test in classroom as well as lab.


  • Lab Computers
    • Lab01-Lab16
  • Classrooms
    • 1st01-1st??
    • 2nd01-2nd??
    • etc
  • Office


  • Firebox SOHO 6
  • Most sites are blocked to students and only a limited number of sites are listed at available to students. Only those with the 'pass through' password access the internet freely.
  • For a variety of reasons, most not Watch Guard's fault, we had difficulty setting up the SOHO. However, once all the ducks were in line it worked WONDERFULLY.  We did purchase the WEB guard for abound $50.
