All Power Point presentations will follow the following format.
Suggestion and Instructions (Rules) for making a presentation.
Save OFTEN in your folder
REMEMBER: You lose it you re:DO it!
Make your own clip art.
(You may use only a small amount of 'canned' clip art with permission.)
Photos from Encarta or some other source MUST BE footnoted.
Put ALL the content in before adding the 'funny' or 'Fun' stuff
Keep the information on each slide to a minimum. Not more that
5-6 words per line.
We will teach you how to build hyperlink navigation into your
slide presentation.
Add the detailed information in the 'Speaker's Notes.'
REMEMBER, you can build your information in Word using the
OUTLINE MODE, and then import it into Power Point.
When presenting your presentation
ALWAYS test it...
Do not read the slides
Do not constantly look at the slides
Point to the slide at appropriate times
Have eye contact with the audience
Practice navigating you presentation
Provide a handout using the nine (9) slide format