Alpha List
List by Number
Text only version of all the Historical Sites: Historical Sites FULL
LIST (large document)
- Bee County Courthouse, 105 West Corpus Christi Street.
Courthouse Bee County, Texas History
- Praeger Building, Corner Washington and St. Mary's Street.
- Commercial National Bank, 100 South Washington Street.
Beeville Banking Center - First Prosperity Bank
- The Railroad in Bee County, Intersection of West Bowie and
North Madison Streets (site of Depot).
- First United Methodist Church, 106 East Cleveland Street.

- McClanahan House, 200 East Corpus Christi Street.
- St. Philip's Episcopal Church, 311 East Corpus Christi Street.
- The A.C. Jones Home, 611 East Jones.
- William E. Madderra Home, 401 North Adams Street.
- George Home, 801 North Adams Street.
- First Baptist Church, 600 North St. Mary's Street.
First Baptist Church
- First Presbyterian Church, 908 North Washington Street.
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 609 East Gramman Street.
- First National Bank, 1400 East Houston Street.
Rural Bee County:
- NAS Chase Field, Buildings 1001, 1009, 1015, 1040, 1042, Quarters R and S, State Highway 202 toward Refugio. (National Register Listing)
- Blanconia (Old N2) Church, State Highway 202, Southeast of
- Medio Creek, on U.S. Highway 59, East of Beeville.
- Cadiz Baptist Church, FM Road 799 Northwest of Beeville.
- Gentry Dugat (April 25, 1895 -- February 5, 1966) grave marker in Mineral Cemetery.
- Town of Pettus, U.S. Highway 181 in roadside park, North of
- Bee County, 2 miles North of Pettus in roadside Park, U. S.
Highway 181.
- First Christian Church, corner of Walton and Commerce Streets,
- Park Hotel, on U. S. Highway 181, Tuleta. (Private property).
Park Hotel - Tuleta, Texas
- Tuleta, located near old Tuleta schoolhouse on U.S. Highway 181.
- Medio Creek Bridge, located 1 mile West of Normanna on County Road 241.
- Early Trails in Bee County, in roadside park on U. S. Highway 181, 3.6 miles North of Beeville.
- Captain A. C. Jones, Confederate marker in roadside park on U. S. Highway 181, 3.6 miles North of Beeville.
- Aransas Creek Settlers, off U. S. Highway 181,South side of Aransas Creek ( South of Beeville).
- Papalote Creek, on U. S. Highway 181, South of Papalote in roadside park, South of bridge. ( South of Beeville)
* Sites designated by marker, medallion or listing granted by recognized historical agency or organization. |